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something is not grounded, more then likely a handrail or ladder is the culprit, if your handy take a digital volt meter and put black probe in the pool water and red one on the metail rail and you will see a low reading probaly around 10volts. to fix this dig up handrail and throw it away or ground it.

i would reccomend a electrician

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Q: What causes electrical shock in pool?
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What is a shock?

A shock is something which causes sudden, heavy impact, a sudden electrical charge, or an amount of considerable emotional impact.

Do you shock a pool or backwash pool first?

Backwash first then shock. If you shock and then backwash you will be throwing away the shock you just put.

How do you shock an intex pool?

3800 gals of pool water shock it with 1 gal bleach

Is pool shock the same as chlorine?

Pool shock typically contains a higher concentration of chlorine compared to regular pool chlorine products. Pool shock is used to quickly raise the chlorine levels in the water to kill bacteria and algae, while regular pool chlorine is used for maintenance and to keep the chlorine levels stable over time.

Do you remove your pool sweeper when you shock the pool?

You do not need to remove it.

Does pool water conduct electricity?

Yes, pool water can conduct electricity due to its high mineral content, which acts as an electrolyte. This can pose a risk of electric shock if there are faulty electrical components near the pool or if an electrical appliance is submerged in the water. It is important to always have proper grounding and electrical safety measures in place around pools.

What is shock a pool?

To shock a pool is to effectively increase the chlorine dosage to the max in order to exterminate a bacterial or algae problem.

Is pool stabilizer and shock the same?

No, pool shock is normally a really strong chlorine and stabilizer is like sunscreen for the chlorine

Do you still have to add shock each week with the salt systems?

Salt pools still require weekly shock maintenance, but not near the amount that a chlorine pool would need. There are Salt Pool Shock Treatments out there for your particular pool setup.

Why do people get an electrical shock?

Most people get an electric shock because of their own carelessness when handling electrical equipment.

When filling your pool with fresh water do you need to shock it or just chlorinate it?

shock it

Should you shock your pool every time a duck uses it for a bathroom?

I try and shock my pool every other day, or, if it rains, shock it at night after it rains (never during rain).