1.booth encoder module:module booth_encode(input [2:0] X,output reg[2:0] SDN);always @ (X)beginif(X==8'b000) SDN=3'b000;else if(X==3'b001) SDN=3'b100;else if(X==3'b010) SDN=3'b100;else if(X==3'b011) SDN=3'b010;else if(X==3'b100) SDN=3'b011;else if(X==3'b101) SDN=3'b101;else if(X==3'b110) SDN=3'b101;else if(X==3'b111) SDN=3'b000;else SDN=3'bx;endendmodule2.Booth decoder module:module booth_decoder(input [7:0] Y,input [2:0] beo,output reg[8:0] bdo);reg [8:0]A;reg [7:0]X;always @(Y,beo)begincase(beo)3'b000:bdo=9'b000000000;3'b100:bdo={1'b0,Y};3'b101:beginX=(~Y)+1'b1;bdo={1'b1,X};end3'b010:bdo={Y,1'b0};3'b011:beginA={Y,1'b0};bdo=(~A)+1'b1;endendcaseendendmodule3.carry save adder module:module csa(input [14:0] P0,input [12:0] P1,input [10:0] P2,input [8:0] P3,output [14:0] P);wire sb,sc,sd,se,sf,sg,sh,si,sj,sk,sl,sm,sb1,sc1,sd1,se1,sf1,sg1,sh1,si1,sj1,sk1,sl1,sm1,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,ca1,cb1,cc1,cd1,ce1,cf1,cg1,ch1,ci1,cj1,ck1,cl1,c00,c01,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10,c11;hah01(P0[0],1'b0,P[0],c00);ha h02(P0[1],1'b0,P[1],c01);ha h1(P0[2],P1[0],P[2],ca);ha h2(P0[3],P1[1],sb,cb);fa f01(P0[4],P1[2],P2[0],sc,cc);fa f02(P0[5],P1[3],P2[1],sd,cd);fa f03(P0[6],P1[4],P2[2],se,ce);fa f04(P0[7],P1[5],P2[3],sf,cf);fa f05(P0[8],P1[6],P2[4],sg,cg);fa f06(P0[9],P1[7],P2[5],sh,ch);fa f07(P0[10],P1[8],P2[6],si,ci);fa f08(P0[11],P1[9],P2[7],sj,cj);fa f09(P0[12],P1[10],P2[8],sk,ck);fa f010(P0[13],P1[11],P2[9],sl,cl);fa f011(P0[14],P1[12],P2[10],sm,cm);ha h3(sb,ca,P[3],ca1);ha h4(sc,cb,sc1,cb1);ha h5(sd,cc,sd1,cc1);fa f11(se,cd,P3[0],se1,cd1);fa f12(sf,ce,P3[1],sf1,ce1);fa f13(sg,cf,P3[2],sg1,cf1);fa f14(sh,cg,P3[3],sh1,cg1);fa f15(si,ch,P3[4],si1,ch1);fa f16(sj,ci,P3[5],sj1,ci1);fa f17(sk,cj,P3[6],sk1,cj1);fa f18(sl,ck,P3[7],sl1,ck1);fa f19(sm,cl,P3[8],sm1,cl1);ha h6(sc1,ca1,P[4],c1);fa f1(c1,sd1,cb1,P[5],c2);fa f2(c2,se1,cc1,P[6],c3);fa f3(c3,sf1,cd1,P[7],c4);fa f4(c4,sg1,ce1,P[8],c5);fa f5(c5,sh1,cf1,P[9],c6);fa f6(c6,si1,cg1,P[10],c7);fa f7(c7,sj1,ch1,P[11],c8);fa f8(c8,sk1,ci1,P[12],c9);fa f9(c9,sl1,cj1,P[13],c10);fa f10(c10,sm1,ck1,P[14],c11);endmodule4.half adder module:module ha(input a,input b,output sum,output carry);xor x1(sum,a,b);and a1(carry,a,b);endmodule5.full adder module:module fa(input a,input b,input c,output sum,output carry);wire w1,w2,w3;ha h1(a,b,w1,w2);ha h2(w1,c,sum,w3);or o1(carry,w2,w3);endmodule6.Final module:module final_module(input [7:0] X,input [7:0] Y,output [14:0] P);reg [2:0]a,b,c,d;wire [2:0]sdn1,sdn2,sdn3,sdn4;wire [8:0]p0,p1,p2,p3;wire [14:0]p00;wire [12:0]p01;wire [10:0]p02;always @(X)begina={X[1],X[0],1'b0};b={X[3],X[2],X[1]};c={X[5],X[4],X[3]};d={X[7],X[6],X[5]};endbooth_encode b1(a,sdn1);booth_decoder d1(Y,sdn1,p0);assign p00=p0[8]?{6'b111111,p0}:{6'b000000,p0};booth_encode b2(b,sdn2);booth_decoder d2(Y,sdn2,p1);assign p01=p1[8]?{4'b1111,p1[8:0]}:{4'b0000,p1[8:0]};booth_encode b3(c,sdn3);booth_decoder d3(Y,sdn3,p2);assign p02=p2[8]?{2'b11,p2}:{2'b00,p2};booth_encode b4(d,sdn4);booth_decoder d4(Y,sdn4,p3);csa c1(p00,p01,p02,p3,P);endmodule
The names of most ICs are just arbitrarily assigned numbers.
A full adder has a sum bit and a carry bit. A half adder just has a sum bit.
ICS 204
The 1 bit full adder has three inputs, A, B, and CarryIn. It has two outputs, Result and CarryOut. To connect multiple 1 bit full adders together, bus the A and B inputs into their respective buses, bus the Result outputs into its bus, connect the low order bit's CarryIn to LogicFalse, and daisy chain each bit's CarryOut into the next bit's CarryIn. Use the last bit's CarryOut as overall CarryOut.
addresses are 32-bit numbers often expressed as 4 octets in "dotted decimal" notation (for ... Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ...
They are static.
URLs are assigned randomly to differently IP addresses. IP addresses are the numbers that identify a person's location online; it gives the general location and device.
These addresses are not assigned to devices because they have a reserved meaning. All zeroes refers to "this network", and all ones usually is assigned to a broadcast address (all devices).
Domain name
pu = p0 + u(p1 - p0)
Internet addresses of computers are currently covered by Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4), which has a 32 bit address space.Imagine you had only 1 bit long addresses. Then you could have only 2 different addresses - address 0 and address 1. But if you had 2 bit long addresses, you get 4 possible addresses - 00, 01, 10, 11. If you had 3 bit long addresses, you would have 8 possible addresses - 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111. Every time you add a new address bit, you double the number of addresses possible.1 bit = 2 addresses2 bits = 4 addresses3 bits = 8 addresses4 bits = 16 addresses5 bits = 32 addresses...Since each address bit doubles the number of possible addresses, a 32 bit address space covers 232 possible addresses, or over 4,000,000,000. And this is only for unique addresses that the whole world can use; many computers are in private networks (inside corporations, for example) and do not need an external IPv4 address. They talk to the outside world through a few routers which DO have IPv4 addresses. So a company might have tens of thousands of computers, but only a few dozen IPv4 addresses that are assigned to the routers they have connected to the internet.Even so, all 4,000,000,000 of the IPv4 addresses have finally been allocated and will be used up over the next several months. This means that the internet will need to migrate to a newer addressing version, IPv6. IPv6 uses 128 bit addressing. 2128 is about 3.4x1038 addresses. That's 3,400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 addresses. They should last us a while.
That means that the DHCP server keeps track of what IP addresses - out of a pool (or set) of addresses - have been assigned. Any time a host (computer or similar) requests an IP address, the DHCP server will assign an available address and mark it, in its memory, as "assigned" so it won't assign the same address to another computer.That means that the DHCP server keeps track of what IP addresses - out of a pool (or set) of addresses - have been assigned. Any time a host (computer or similar) requests an IP address, the DHCP server will assign an available address and mark it, in its memory, as "assigned" so it won't assign the same address to another computer.That means that the DHCP server keeps track of what IP addresses - out of a pool (or set) of addresses - have been assigned. Any time a host (computer or similar) requests an IP address, the DHCP server will assign an available address and mark it, in its memory, as "assigned" so it won't assign the same address to another computer.That means that the DHCP server keeps track of what IP addresses - out of a pool (or set) of addresses - have been assigned. Any time a host (computer or similar) requests an IP address, the DHCP server will assign an available address and mark it, in its memory, as "assigned" so it won't assign the same address to another computer.
IP addresses are assigned by the network administrator, or ISP. The computer does have to be configured manually to respond to that specific address.
For V4 addresses they are separated by a period (.). For V6 addresses they are separated by a colon (:)