The FET is a semiconductor device with the output current controlled by an electric field. Since the current is carried predominantly by one type of carriers, the FET is known as a unipolar transistor.
In the case of Bipolar Junction Transistor current conduction is due to both holes and electrons. That's why noise is high in Bipolar Junction Transistor
a transistor in active region when emitter junction is forward biased nd collector junction is reverse biased
To know if a transistor is PNP or an NPN,the following should be verified:For a PNP transistor, the base-collector junction is forward biased while the base-emitter junction is reversed biased.For an NPN transistor, the base-emitter junction is forward biased while the base -collector junction is reversed biased.
diode is unipolar
The FET is a semiconductor device with the output current controlled by an electric field. Since the current is carried predominantly by one type of carriers, the FET is known as a unipolar transistor.
Transistor is known as bipolar junction becoz it has 2 pole. Input is given to the 2 junction and output is taken from to junction
The BJT is the bipolar junction transistor, the PCT is the point contact transistor, the UJT is the uni-junction transistor, the SBT is the surface barrier transistor, the FET is the field effect transistor, the GJT is the grown-junction transistor, the AJT is the alloy-junction transistor, and the DFT is the drift field-junction transistor.
Field Effect Transistors (both JFET & MOSFET) are unipolar because they use only one type of current carrier (electrons in N-channel or holes in P-channel), unlike bipolar transistors (both junction & the obsolete point contact) which always use both types of current carriers.
Yes, the are different names for the same thing.
In the case of Bipolar Junction Transistor current conduction is due to both holes and electrons. That's why noise is high in Bipolar Junction Transistor
UJT is the voltage controlled which only one mejority carriers are responsible for current flowing. UJT is one junction transistor and it is three terminal emitter and two base. BJT is the current controlled device. in which both mejority and minority carrier are responsiblefor current flowing. this type of transistor consists of two junction and three terminal these are : emitter , base , collector.
a transistor in active region when emitter junction is forward biased nd collector junction is reverse biased
To know if a transistor is PNP or an NPN,the following should be verified:For a PNP transistor, the base-collector junction is forward biased while the base-emitter junction is reversed biased.For an NPN transistor, the base-emitter junction is forward biased while the base -collector junction is reversed biased.