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Q: Is an electric voltage a varying electric current that reprsents information?
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Can a transformer work with d.c.?

The primary coil has to induce current in the secondary coil. The only way this can happen is if there is a varying magantic field in the primary which then will induce a varying mag field in the secondary which results in a current in the sec. Only varying current can induce a varying mag field only a varying mag field can induce current So you need a varying current in the primary. D.C. is not a varying current so it cannot induce a mag field in the coil. A.C. (it does not have to be +/- it just has to be varying) can do so.

What are Conduction Current Density and Displacement Current Density?

We know specifically the definition of current density as current flow through a surface of unit area. Conduction current is the current through the conductors in the presence of electrostatic fields and displacement current is the current flow due to time varying electric fields

How do you flow current in capacitor through dielectric?

well actually current doesn't exactly pass through the capacitor or dielectric.Current just flows through the wires connected to the capacitor.The reason is that electric charges are only placed onto capacitor plates and they flow in the circuit and it seems to us that current is flowing in the circuit.Also remember that dielectric only increases the capacitance of a capacitor.AnswerThere are two types of electric current, termed 'conduction current' and 'displacement current', respectively.A 'conduction current' describes the drift of free electrons in a metal conductor. A 'displacement current' describes the polarisation of atoms in dielectrics.When an electric field is applied to a dielectric, the elliptical orbits of the electrons around each atom's nucleus become distorted, and stretch, resulting in polarised atoms. The amount of 'stretch' (polarisation) increases with the strength of the electric field. So, as the voltage across the changes so, too, does the amount of polarisation -i.e. so, too, does the displacement current.So when a capacitor is connected to an external d.c. supply, a varying conduction current drifts around the circuit conductor, while a displacement current occurs within the capacitor's dielectric. When a capacitor is connected to an external a.c. supply, a continuously varying potential difference results in a continuously changing conduction current in the metallic circuit, and a continuously changing displacement current within the capacitor's dielectric.

A auto transformer has what kind of induction?

self-induction."According to Lenz's law,[6]a changing electric current through a circuit that contains inductance, induces a proportional voltage, which opposes the change in current (self-inductance). The varying field in this circuit may also induce an e.m.f. in neighbouring circuits (mutual inductance)." - Wikipedia

How does an integrated circuit signal information?

By varying the amount of electricity by opening and closing circuits in sequence.

Related questions

What is a changing electric current that carries information is called a?

A changing electric current that carries information is called a signal. This signal can be in the form of varying voltage levels or frequencies that can represent data or enable communication between electronic devices.

Can a transformer work with d.c.?

The primary coil has to induce current in the secondary coil. The only way this can happen is if there is a varying magantic field in the primary which then will induce a varying mag field in the secondary which results in a current in the sec. Only varying current can induce a varying mag field only a varying mag field can induce current So you need a varying current in the primary. D.C. is not a varying current so it cannot induce a mag field in the coil. A.C. (it does not have to be +/- it just has to be varying) can do so.

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Light is a type of electromagnetic radiation because it consists of oscillating electric and magnetic fields. When an electric field changes in intensity, it generates a magnetic field, and vice versa. This interplay creates a self-propagating waveform of energy which we perceive as light. Although light itself is not magnetic, it is intimately connected with magnetic fields through this electromagnetic phenomenon.

What does oscillograph mean?

An oscillograph is an instrument for measuring alternating or varying electric-currentin terms of current and voltage. There are two instruments that are in common use today:

What starts the vibration of the electric and magnetic fields in an electromagnetic wave?

The vibration of the electric and magnetic fields in an electromagnetic wave is initiated by a changing electric current or an accelerating electric charge. When these occur, the varying electric and magnetic fields interact and propagate through space in the form of an electromagnetic wave.

What are Conduction Current Density and Displacement Current Density?

We know specifically the definition of current density as current flow through a surface of unit area. Conduction current is the current through the conductors in the presence of electrostatic fields and displacement current is the current flow due to time varying electric fields

What are the physical significance of Maxwell's equations?

As per my knowledge,Maxwell's equations describes the relations between changing electric and magnetic fields. That means time varying electric field can be produced by time varying magnetic field and time varying magnetic field can be produced by time varying electric field.

An electric current is the measure of what?

An electric current is a movement of charges, and it is measured in amperes or just amps. An ammeter is used to make this measurement. Current flow is a scalar quantity, and it refers to the number of charges passing a given point per unit of time.

What property makes semi-metals useful as switches to turn a small electric current on and off?

The property that makes semi metals useful as "switches" is that their varying ability to conduct electricity.

What is difference between analog signal and alternating current?

An analog or analogue signal is any continuous signal for which the time varying feature of the signal is a representation in respect to other time varying quantity, i.e., analogous to another time varying signal. Any information may be conveyed by an analog signal often such a signal is a measured response to changes in physical phenomena, such as sound, light, temperature, position, or pressure, and is achieved using a transducer. So, Analog signal is a medium to send information over distance ,the information cane be anything. The main disadvantage of Analog signals is they have larger noise . Alternating Current is defined as the behavior of Electric charge. Alternating Current is the movement of Electric current which is periodic and attains both positive and reverse direction (positive and negative) in its propagation whereas Direct Current only attains itself in one direction i.e positive cycle only. So,the difference is...Analog is the type of signals whereas Alternating is a behavior of Electric charge on its movement.

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The most useful property of semimetals is their intermediate electrical conductivity, which allows for applications in electronics and semiconductors. Semimetals also exhibit interesting properties such as Dirac cones and topological insulating behavior, making them valuable for research in quantum materials and physics.

What happens if voltage is constant and current is varying when an scr triggers?

Even if the current is varying,as long as the current reaches the value required to trigger the SCR, it will snap into operation. The SCR will remain in operation until the current through it drops to a value below the holding current.