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You can circulate the air with ceiling fans but you will need to get an air purifier. These are stand alone unit that draw the air in and clean it. You might need several units depending on the size of your home. You will also want to check the humidity in your home, if it is below 40% you might want to get a humidifier as well. There are many health issues with low humidity. Not to mention static...

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Q: I have electric baseboard heat and my air quality is awful. Dust gets in and stays in. Please HELP me with a solution. How do you get air circulation with electric heat?
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What is an electric power sensor?

Electrical power sensors are used to measure characteristics of electric power such as voltage, current, power, and potential degradation of insulation due to age. For AC circuits, an electric power sensor can also be used to measure power quality. Some electrical power sensors are incorporated into transformers or other components of the power distribution grid. Others are added to existing systems. Typically, these electrical power sensors measure one or more physical characteristics and convert them to electrical signals. Basic electric power sensor categories include electrical capacitance sensors, electrical frequency sensors, electrical resistance sensors, and electrical conductance sensors.

What is the importance of the quality factor Q of a tuned amplifier?

If quality factor is greater then bandwidth will also greater

Can quality be expressed as the ratio of the volume occupied by the vapor phase to the total volume?

Quality can not be expressed as the ratio of the volume occupied by the vapor phase to the total volume. The exact definition of quality is "In manufacturing, a measure of excellence or a state of being free from defects, deficiencies and significant variations.

What is e-mark testing?

E-mark testing is the quality check process that used to very the quality of products. Products that pass the test get an E-mark certification.

Silver and gold are transition metals that conduct electricity even better than copperWhy do you use copper to make electric cables instead of either of these metals?

Gold does not conduct electricity better then copper. Companies will place ends of connectors just so they can raise the price of the cable. Money, my friend. In fact there are some audio conectors which use gold to improve the sound quality, but they are much more expensive than the standard ones.

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Do 240 volt electric baseboard heaters wear out over time?

Yes, 240 volt electric baseboard heaters can wear out over time due to factors such as normal wear and tear, usage, and age. Components like heating elements or thermostats may deteriorate and impact the heater's performance. Regular maintenance and occasional replacements may be necessary to ensure their continued functionality.

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Not very. Electric pistols are generally cheap and low quality.

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Yes general electric refrigerators are good quality You can go to the following website for reviews on them

Are fender electric guitars bad quality?

Honestly it depends on the guitar but most fender guitars are very good quality. Fender was voted the number 3 highest quality electric guitars in the world. It is behind Gibson and marsall.

Where is the mint mark on eisenhower dollar did they make them for circulation at Denver?

All Denver Mint Eisenhower dollars are circulation quality, the mintmark is on the obverse just above the date.

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The highest quality electric drills are made by the following companies: DeWalt, Ryobi, Milwaukee, Makita, and Black & Decker. The best retailer for electric drills is none other than The Home Depot.

The air in this room has?

a musty and stale quality, indicating poor ventilation or air circulation. It may be beneficial to open a window or turn on a fan to improve the air quality.

Is the Hohner electric violin a quality instrument?

Yes, unfourtnantly they are out of production. The style was a little different from fender's electric violin's models but it still had the same quality sound for a cheaper price.

Why is heat more evenly distributed in an electric oven than a gas oven?

electric, but it alot of times depends on the stove quality.

Why is the hydro-electric power generation in India so poor?

Indias hydro-electric power is not poor it just is of poor quality.

How much does a electric car last for?

Depends on the quality of the batteries and the care that you charge them with.

What is the value of fifty sen in military currency?

It depends on the quality and circulation, but there are some on eBay that are selling for around 5 dollars.