hi sir actually i'm preparing first time for taking participant for paper presentation so,i want help about the topics data mining.plz help......
maximum 12 slides shoulb be... use only keywords... dont write as explanations... first slide should contain name and topic..
IEEE is the acronym for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. It provides worldwide standards for the electronics industry. An IEEE format would therefore be a format accepted by the IEEE as universal.If you are talking about a IEEE format for works cited page in a formal paper, the format would be (for a chapter in a book with one author):1. P. Carter, "Electrics," In Backstage Handbook: an Illustrated Almanac of Technical Information. Louisville: Broadway Press, 1988, pp. 163-202.Note: Do not use italics.Cite all works in one list at the end of the paper, listing them in the order they appear in your paper. Do not repeat sources.When quoting or referencing a source, use brackets in the format [a: b]; where "a" is the citation number, and "b" is the page. If mentioning an author cited, bracket with the format [a] Example:Carter [1] believed that the lack of international color standardization was actually a boon to entertainment. The different colors provided by different gel manufacturers [1: 174] gave a wider field of options to lighting designers.For more complete information on IEEE formating, most college websites have complete (and EXHAUSTIVE) material on the subject such as "How to cite a webpage with more than three authors" and "How to cite an email from my dog who has no last name."
Paper clips, Paper, Glass, rubber, plastic.
Any University accepts the paper presentation if its in IEEE format.
biomedical based projects
The standard format for the presentation of papers varies with the group or organization that the paper is being presented to. Generally, each has its own format. If you are asking about the IEEE format, use the link below.This is a temporary question set up by a Supervisor.Please do not Split, Merge or alter the question or answer. Thank you.
hi sir actually i'm preparing first time for taking participant for paper presentation so,i want help about the topics data mining.plz help......
call for paper presentation
I want paper presentation for will computer lead an unemployment
Please suggest names for paper presentation competetion..........
what are the colleges conducting paper presentation now
i need paper presentation in the topic of embedded system
The format for an isearch paper is MLA