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Q: How much eletricity does darlington nuclear station?
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How is electricity produced at a power station?

In a coal-fired power station, a boiler burns coal to produce steam. The steam makes a turbine spin. The turbine drives an electricity generator. The electricity from the generator is converted to a higher voltage by a transformer. This higher voltage is to enable transmission over long power lines without losing too much energy. When it comes to reach our homes, it is then converted back into lower voltage by other transformers. Nuclear power stations are similar - instead of a coal-fired boiler, a nuclear reactor creates the steam. Wind turbines use the blades to turn the generator.

How much eletricity does 500 wind turbines put out?

Depends on the type and size of the wind turbine and in which area they are set up. Am modern Wind turbine with a + 100 m Rotor and a base over 140 meters high will produce 3+ Megawatts easily

How much electricity produced in one power plant?

Nuclear power plants have been build in several sizes. The nuclear reactor to generate electricity was EBR-1, the Experimental Breeder Reactor number 1 in Idaho. On December 20th 1952 it generated enough electricity to power four light bulbs! On June 27 1954 the Obninisk Nuclear Power Station in the USSR became the first nuclear reactor to provide electricity to an electricity grid. It was a 5MW (electric) reactor. In general the larger a reactor the cheaper the electricity it produces, although larger reactors are arguably less safe than smaller ones. The largest nuclear power plant in the world currently is the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant. It has seven reactors in the gigawatt range, KK-1 to KK-5, which are boiling water reactors with an rated output of 1.067GW(e) each, and KK-6 and KK-7, advanced boiling water reactors each with rated outputs of 1.315GW(e). However these reactors and their associated fuel fabrication facilities have been plagued with problems including management malfeasance, falsification of data and earthquakes. All reactors are currently offline for inspection. a reactor is the cheaper it can produce electricity though, and recent designs have be in the multi-gigawatt range.

How much electricity does the world use in one day?

Total world power as of 2008 was 474 exajoules of energy annually. Currently man creates 80 to 90% of this power through fossil fuels. The remaining 10% comes from nuclear(10 to 18%), wind(<1%), solar(<.2%), geothermal(<.2%) and hydro (3 to 7%). This level of power is the would be the total output of 7500 nuclear reactors (based on average build 1999). This power could also be produced by 800,000 hydro electric plants. Putting wind into scale, they would require 1.8 million towers (and associated fossil fuel backup).

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How much energy is watsted when it is produced in a nuclear power station?

The average efficiency of a nuclear power station is about 33%, measured as the ratio of power electric over power thermal.

How much money does a nuclear power station cost to build?

billions of dollars

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s the question

How much does it cost to run a nuclear power station?

its actually fifty million moolah

How much to build a nuclear power station?

See the link below for a review of the situation

How much coolant is needed in a nuclear power station?

loads and loads and loads and loads

How much does it cost to maintain a nuclear power station annually?

one NRs 6000000000000000 billion dollars

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Effectively zero outside the plant boundary

How much electricity does a nuclear power station produce?

The latest design PWR's produce about 1500 MWe per unit.

How many people live in England Darlington?

Darlington, South Carolina, had a population of 6,289 in 2010. The city is located in Darlington County and is 1,565.9 square miles in area.

How much eletricity was generated by hydro power in 2005?

2,000,000,000(2 trillion) watts

How much of energy does koeberg nuclear power station produces?

Koeberg Nuclear Power Station in South Africa has a capacity of around 1,860 megawatts, which can provide electricity to approximately two million households. It generates a significant portion of South Africa's electricity supply.