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5000 Watts if it runs ideally. It really depends on the generator's efficiency. Lets say, if its working on 80% efficiency, it'll provide with

0.8 * 5000 watts of electric power.

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Q: How much electric power you can take from a 5KW generator?
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How much power a generator of 14 kilowatts produce?

I work on pools , BUT don't take me lightly , I know alot about my generators , I have 3 back at home . I have a 1000009 GW generator that I found in a field , I use it alot for powering my kettle , Thats all I can pretty much power ... Its not that powerful to be honest .

What size generator 1200 amps?

First you need to specify what voltage you require the generator to supply...Lets Assume its 240 Volts AC. Watts=Volts x Amps so 240x1200= 28.8 Kw. Then you have to take the efficiency of the generator into account. Mechanical power in is usually quite a bit more than the electrical power you get out...The difference is mostly the mechanical and thermal losses added together. If we say the generator is 70% efficient then you will need a generator 30% more powerful to supply a constant 1200 Amps...Thats a generator of about 38-40 Kw.

How do you select copper cable per amps?

200kw gen how much amp take Need to know what the volotage and phase the generator is.

How do you measure watts output of a generator?

To do it yourself you will have to be familiar with an amp meter, and ohms law, and be able to trace to main wire leads from the stator windings. I'm sure that an electric motor repair shop would do it for you cheaply. Have you closely examined all tags and labels on the unit? Take the cover off and look real good. UL requires that all manufacturers properly tag all equipment with capacities. A quick rule of thumb, take the amperage of the breaker that protects the plug on the generator. Multiply this amperage by the voltage that comes from the plug. This will give you an indication of the power in watts that this generator should be able to produce. Watts = Amps x Volts.

Is there such thing as a sump pump connected to a generator?

Yes, a sump pump can be connected to a generator to make it operate. Keep in mind that the starting current of the pump motor could be 300% of the running current and the sizing of the generator should take this into account. If you are looking for the sump pump using a mechanical connection it will connect to the engine and not to the generator.

Related questions

Is an electric generator cheaper to run?

You may contact your local power companies and find out the rates of electric vs. gas. Then ask your local generator company to give you statistics based on your square footage as to how much electric and how much gas it would take use for your square footage. This will help you determine which is more efficient to run.

Electric Generator Benefits ?

When selecting a generator for your home, the electric generator stands out from the competition. Compared to gas generators, electric models take up much less space. This can be any essential feature for those using the generator at a vacation home. The electric generator is easy to install. In most cases, the electric generator will need very little maintenance. No harmful gases are emitted making it the most safe generator on the market today.

How much time will it take to capture geothermal electric power?

one second

How long does it take to repair an electric generator?

depends on the qualification of the person attempting it.

Can you take a 12000 watt gas powered generator and replace the gas engine with a electric motor to run the generator?

A 15 KW generator won't likely run everything in your house, but besides that it is not efficient. You will be using more electricity to run the generator than the power would deliver. You also defeat the reason for the generator - run your house when power goes out. Now if you had a wind turbine turning a generator you have a positive contribution to house power. This is how wind power works. There are also lots of issues associated with a power transfer switch and feeding power back into the grid.

What are the difference between huge power generators found in power station and a simple bicycle generator?

Bicicle generators do not produce the same power out (usually much less) it would take hours to do what a large generator can create at any moment for long periods of time

How much power a generator of 14 kilowatts produce?

I work on pools , BUT don't take me lightly , I know alot about my generators , I have 3 back at home . I have a 1000009 GW generator that I found in a field , I use it alot for powering my kettle , Thats all I can pretty much power ... Its not that powerful to be honest .

What will happen if you use 50 KVA generator when your requirement is 90 KVA?

If you take out too much power, the generator will probably get damaged. In the best of cases, it has a built-in protection, and shuts down before it gets damaged. In any case, you should avoid taking out more power than the generator can handle; also, you should get a more powerful generator. Or reduce your use.

Is a windmill a generator?

No, a windmill is a device that converts wind energy into mechanical energy, typically used for tasks like pumping water or grinding grain. A generator, on the other hand, is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

How big of a generator does it take to run a oxygenerator at home?

The size of the generator needed to run an oxygen generator at home depends on the power requirements of the oxygen generator. Make sure to check the power consumption of the oxygen generator in watts and choose a generator that can handle that load with some extra capacity to account for start-up surges. It's best to consult with the manufacturer of the oxygen generator for specific power requirements.

What kind of power generator should I purchase for my home use during an emergency?

The power generator you buy depends on the amount of power you need to generate. On there are several generators listed with various capacities. Be aware of the safety precautions you will need to take when using your generator.

Most trains are powered by what?

There are two major types of modern locomotives. Electric, and Diesel-Electric. Electric locomotives are very popular in some countries, and likewise for diesel-electric. Electric locomotives take in electricity via an overhead wire or a third rail that carries this electricity which is then in turn used to power electrical motors on the axles of the locomotive to move the train. Diesel-electric is identical, but electricity is not directly supplied. The locomotive is fueled with diesel which powers a large diesel engine that drives a generator that in turn drives electric motors on the axles of the locomotive. Think of it as a hybrid. An on-board generator that powers on-board electric motors.