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Power = volts x amps, so your example will be 12 x 0.5 = 6 watts. (500mA = 0.5 amp)

Note we don't talk of 'watts per hour', it is just watts. 1 watt = 1 joule per second

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Q: How many watts per hour will a unit that is rated at DC 12V 500mA consume?
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How long is a watt hour?

A watt hour is a unit of energy, not time -so you cannot ask how 'long' it is. The time taken to consume a watt hour of energy depends upon the rate (i.e. the power) at which it is consumed, expressed in watts. A watt hour is defined as the amount of energy consumed, over a period of one hour, at the rate of one watt.

What is a word that means unit of electrical energy which is a 1000 watts of power used for one hour?

Kilowatt hour

How many electricity consume 5HP motor in 1 hour?

I assume you are asking how much energy a 5-hp motor will consume in one hour?The first thing to understand that a motor is rated according its output power which, in North America, is expressed in horsepower and, elsewhere, in watts. So, the output power of your motor is 5 hp, which is equivalent to 5 x 746 = 3730 W.Next, you need to find out its full-load efficiency. You then need to divide the output power by the efficiency to determine its input power -remember, input power is always higher than the output power.Once you have found out its input power, convert that into kilowatts and multiply it by one (hour) to determine the energy used in kilowatt hours.

What is difference between kilowatt hour and kiloamp hour?

A kilowatt hour is the amount of energy consumed, over a period of one hour, at the rate of one kilowatt. It's used by your electricity utility company for measuring the energy you consume, for the purpose of billing. It's SI equivalent is measured in joules.A kiloampere hour is a unit of charge. It's SI equivalent is measured in coulombs. Batteries are often rated in ampere hours.

What is kilowatt hour use of roof deicers?

A kilowatt hour is the use of 1000 watts of power in 1 hour. The deicers should have a rating of a voltage such as 110 volts or 220 volts and a current of "X" amps. Multiply the voltage (in volts) times the current (in amps) and you will then know how much "power" in watts the deicer uses. My guess is you will see numbers such as 120 volts at 5 amps. Therefore 120 x 5 = 600 watts per hour or .6 kilowatts per hour.

Related questions

How much energy is consumed if device is rated at 1000 watts?

If a device is rated at 1000 watts and is used for 1 hour, it will consume 1 kilowatt-hour (kWh) of energy. To calculate the energy consumed for a different duration of use, you can use the formula Energy (kWh) = Power (kW) x Time (hours).

How many kilo watts does a 5.5 watts water filter consume in one hour?

5.5 watts is 0.0055 kilowatts. in one hour the equipment uses 0.0055 kilowatt-hours.

How many watts consume a medium refrigerator?

A medium refrigerator typically consumes around 100-250 watts when running. This can vary depending on the size, age, and energy efficiency of the refrigerator. It's important to check the appliance label for the specific wattage of your refrigerator.

How many watts are in a 500 ma 12v dc?

In ideal conditions, about 6W Amps x volts = watts 500ma = 1/2 amp (1000ma to 1a) 0.5 X 12V = 6W

How many watts does the iPhone charger use?

The batter uses 5 Volts for charging and it takes 1 hour to fully charge your iphone which is 7 Watts.

How many watts does a iron consume in an hour?

A typical iron uses 1000 watts all the time the heating element is working. It is controlled by a thermostat so the element might be on for a quarter of the time. In an hour the iron might consume 250 watt-hours or 0.25 of a unit.

How much power does this unit consume?

an 1100 watt microwave wil generaly consume aproximatly 3.0 wats when not in use and close to 1100 watts while in use, the internal light while the door is opn will consume about 32.4 watts. There are 1000 whats in a Kilowatt hour.

When 1000 watts of a electrical equipment is operated for 1hour what is the consume?

When 1000 watts of power is consumed over a period of 1 hour, the consumption is 1 kw/h.

How many watts does a microwave consume in an hour?

Watts are units for measuring the rate of energy consumption. So it is meaningless to speak of how many watts something consumes in a length of time. (It would be like asking how many miles per hour a car drives in an hour.)Energy consumption may be measured in kilowatt-hours. A typical microwave consumes 1500 watts, which would be 1.5 kilowatt-hours in one hour.

How many watts does a light bulb use per week?

Your question is rather like asking "How many miles per hour do you do in a week?" You don't consume watts over time, it's a measure of how many joules of energy you consume over time.

How many kliowatt hours does a 120 watt fixture use in 1 hour?

One kilowatt hour (kWH) is the amount of power used at the rate of 1000 watts for one hour. Therefore a device of 120 watts running for one hour would consume 120 / 1000 x 1 = 0.12 kWH

1 kw equal to how many units?

1 kilowatt (kW) is equal to 1 kilowatt-hour (kWh) when used continuously for one hour. So, if you use a 1 kW appliance for one hour, it will consume 1 kWh of electricity.