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I take it that you are referring to a wind turbine? A wind turbine doesn't save energy; it generates energy. It can be argued that it is more 'eco-friendly', but of course it takes energy to manufacture and install wind turbines, and the only reason they are used is because they are heavily subsidised through increase energy bills to consumers; without these subsidies, wind turbines wouldn't even be considered as a practical source of energy. This is because the energy generated is appallingly-low, and their output cannot be guaranteed to match demand, and they are very expensive.

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They do not. They provide energy based of the wind velocity at the moment.

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Q: How do windmills store electricity?
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What is an area called where there is a large group of windmills generating electricity?

a wind field

Are windmills used to generate electricity?

Electricity was a new and little-understood phenomenon in European Physicslaboratories during US colonial times. There was not a single telephone, radio,Playstation, or light bulb anywhere in North America, for another hundred years.Think about THAT for a while !

What is one disadvantage of using windmills to generate electicity?

Weather changes. Wind does not blow all the time, and it does not blow at the same speed all the time, so the power output of a wind turbine is not as predictable as that of a fossil fuel burning power plant, where you have the option of using however much fuel you want, at any given time.

An advantage of off-peak electricity?

For the electricity companies the advantages are : - Transformers dont damage (Transformers are most efficient at full load) - Constant use of electricity meaning that theres no need for storing electricity (even though its near impossible to store AC) For the customer the advantages are: - Cheaper Electricity at off peak times. (the reason its cheaper is to encourage people to use off peak more so that the transformers run at maximum efficiency - hence not damaging them)

What is the difference between a resistor and an inductor?

Both a resistor and an inductor are electrical components designed to impede the unregulated flow of electricity. Where they differ is that inductors store energy in their induction coils which forms a magnetic field that focuses energy by the principle of inductance. As electricity passes into the inductor, current will slowly rise to a specified level. A resistor simply impedes the flow of electricity according to its property, but does not store energy. It also does not control the rate at which the current changes, it just changes the current allowed to pass through.

Related questions

Do windmills produce electricity?

Different windmills do different things. Some pump water. Others do produce electricity.

What are windmills used for?

windmills are there to help save energy and renew electricity.

Why windmills important?

Windmills are important because they provide electricity. The more the windmills move, the more electricity. If you go to Palm Springs in California, you will find hundreds and hundreds of windmills, because it is a windy place. Hope this helped.

Why are windmills important?

Windmills are important because they provide electricity. The more the windmills move, the more electricity. If you go to Palm Springs in California, you will find hundreds and hundreds of windmills, because it is a windy place. Hope this helped.

How do windmills distribute electricity to the community?

Windmills generate electricity on the spot. This electricity is then cabled into the closest grid.

What energy is used in windmills?

Windmills use wind energy to generate electricity. The kinetic energy from the movement of the wind spins the turbine blades, which then turn a generator to produce electricity.

How does electricity be generated by wind?

with windmills which gears turn a generator to make electricity

How windmills conserve natural resource?

windmills are generated by windand are used to generate electricity. Nowadays, electricity are generated by dams which are very harmful for the natural resources .

Where does windmills come from?

windmill is a process of contain electricity.

What do windmills generate?

They generate electricity produced by wind.

Do windmills make wind?

No, windmills do not make wind. Windmills use the wind to generate energy by converting the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical power that can be used to grind grain or generate electricity.

Windmills produce electricity by using what source of energy?

Windmills produce electricity by harnessing the kinetic energy of the wind. The wind causes the blades of the windmill to rotate, which in turn drives a generator to produce electricity.