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Breakdown depends on the electric field value in FETS (as in diodes and such, where you can find a junction).

Theoretically, you need to

- dope less the junction region of your device (like p-i-n diodes, the i (intrinsic) region is not doped in order to reduce E field peak, which occurs near the center of the device).

- raise the length of your device

Both of these two solutions will have the drawback of increasing your ON resistance.

At circuit design level, you can protect your devices with clamp diodes or something similar.

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Q: How can avalanche breakdown be avoided in FET?
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How will you differentiate the diodes whether it is Zener or avalanche when you are given two diodes of rating 6.2 v and 24V?

Oh, what a happy little question! To differentiate between Zener and avalanche diodes, you can look at their voltage ratings. A Zener diode typically has a lower voltage rating, like 6.2V, while an avalanche diode usually has a higher voltage rating, like 24V. Just remember, each diode has its own special purpose and they all bring joy to our electronic landscapes.

Distinguish between zener avalanche effects?

1. Differentiate Zener breakdown from avalanche breakdown? Zener Breakdown Avalanche breakdown 1.This occurs at junctions which being heavily doped have narrow depletion layers 2. This breakdown voltage sets a very strong electric field across this narrow layer. 3. Here electric field is very strong to rupture the covalent bonds thereby generating electronhole pairs. So even a small increase in reverse voltage is capable of producing large number of current carriers. ie why the junction has a very low resistance. This leads to Zener breakdown. 1. This occurs at junctions which being lightly doped have wide depletion layers. 2. Here electric field is not strong enough to produce Zener breakdown. 3. Her minority carriers collide with semi conductor atoms in the depletion region, which breaks the covalent bonds and electron-hole pairs are generated. Newly generated charge carriers are accelerated by the electric field which results in more collision and generates avalanche of charge carriers. This results in avalanche breakdown.

Why jfet called as fet?

FET is a field effect transistor, abbreviated to FET. There are two basic types of FET: a junction FET abbreviated to JFET and an insulated gate FET , abbreviated to IGFET. The most common type of IGFET is a metal-oxide silicon FET, Known as a MOSFET. Modern microprocessors may contain tens of millions of MOSFETs.

What FET stand for?

FET stands for field-effect transistor.

Thermal runaway is not possible in FET because as the temperature of FET increase?

mobility decreases

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What are the types of breakdown region in diode?

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Breakdown phenomenon of semiconductors?

Ther are generally Two types of Breakdown Phenomenons comes into picture. Namely- 1. Avalanche Breakdown 2. Zener Breakdown.

How will you differentiate the diodes whether it is zener or an avalanche when you are given two diodes of rating 6.2V and 24V?

Silicon "zener diodes" with a zener voltage rating of 5.6V or higher operate mainly by avalanche breakdown, so both the 6.2V and 24V "zener diodes" are avalanche breakdown type (not zener breakdown type).

What type of temperature coefficient does the Avalanche breakdown has?

negative temperature coeeficient

Difference between avalanche zener and thermal breakdown?

Avalanche is when you surpass the negative bias voltage threshold and the zener breaks, thermal breakdown would be putting too much current or voltage across the zener and burning it out.

What is avalanche break down in scr?

Avalanche breakdown in Silicon-Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs) refers to the rapid increase in current flow through the device due to high reverse voltage. This phenomenon occurs when the reverse voltage exceeds the breakdown voltage of the SCR, causing a sudden breakdown of the junction and a rapid increase in current flow. Avalanche breakdown can damage the SCR if not properly controlled.

When operating as a voltage regulator the breakdown in a Zener diode occurs due to which effect?


How will you differentiate the diodes whether it is Zener or avalanche when you are given two diodes of rating 6.2 v and 24V?

Oh, what a happy little question! To differentiate between Zener and avalanche diodes, you can look at their voltage ratings. A Zener diode typically has a lower voltage rating, like 6.2V, while an avalanche diode usually has a higher voltage rating, like 24V. Just remember, each diode has its own special purpose and they all bring joy to our electronic landscapes.

What is Avalanche breakdown?

Avalanche breakdown is a phenomenon that can occur in both insulating and semiconducting materials. It is a form of electric current multiplication that can allow very large currents to flow within materials which are otherwise good insulators. It is a type of electron avalanche. The Avalanche process occurs when the carriers in the transition region are accelerated by the electric field to energies sufficient to free e- h pairs via collisions with bond electrons.

Distinguish between zener avalanche effects?

1. Differentiate Zener breakdown from avalanche breakdown? Zener Breakdown Avalanche breakdown 1.This occurs at junctions which being heavily doped have narrow depletion layers 2. This breakdown voltage sets a very strong electric field across this narrow layer. 3. Here electric field is very strong to rupture the covalent bonds thereby generating electronhole pairs. So even a small increase in reverse voltage is capable of producing large number of current carriers. ie why the junction has a very low resistance. This leads to Zener breakdown. 1. This occurs at junctions which being lightly doped have wide depletion layers. 2. Here electric field is not strong enough to produce Zener breakdown. 3. Her minority carriers collide with semi conductor atoms in the depletion region, which breaks the covalent bonds and electron-hole pairs are generated. Newly generated charge carriers are accelerated by the electric field which results in more collision and generates avalanche of charge carriers. This results in avalanche breakdown.

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explain all the parameters of fet