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Q: Higher part of the audio frequency range in sound recording?
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What is the higher part of the audio frequency range in sound recording called?


What is an audio frequency?

An audio frequency is a frequency, or range of frequencies, of audible sound waves.

What is audio output frequency?

Audio output frequency is that range of frequencies that can be heard. For humans, that is generally considered to be the range of 20Hz to 20kHz.

What is the frequency range used on all audio receivers?

The frequency range used on all modern audio receivers is 10.7 to 12.75 GHz. The IF range is 950 to 2150 MHz. Audio receivers are also known as radios.

What would it be with a frequency of 100000 hertz?

A frequency of 100000 Hz means there are 100,000 cycles per second. In the audio range, this frequency is on the higher end, so it may be difficult for humans to perceive it directly as a distinct pitch. Devices like ultrasonic sensors and medical imaging machines operate in this frequency range.

What is the audio frequency range for a domestic cat?

45-64,000 Hz

Frequency range of telephonic signal?

There is a bit of an argument on the exact baseband pass frequency for telephone audio, but generally it is in the range of 300 hz to 3000 hz.

What technology is used in a radio?

Wireless Transmission Technology makes Radio devices tune to specific frequency and play the audio being transmitted from Broadcasting Radio Station.Broadcasting Radio Stationbroadcasts audio signals (from Recording Studio)asradio waves to Radio devices within Radiowave signals range.

What is audio singnal?

An audio signal is a representation of sound, typically as an electrical voltage. Audio signals have frequencies in the audio frequency range of roughly 20 to 20,000 Hz (the limits of human hearing).

What sound is in the 6K hz range?

A sound in the 6 kHz range would be in the higher frequency range of human hearing. It is typically described as a high-pitched tone similar to a squeal or whine. This frequency range is commonly used in audio equipment testing and calibration.

What is the range of audio frequency?

The range humans can hear is about 20 - 20,000 Hz (20 Hz to 20 kHz); the range is smaller for older people.

What is the loudspeaker used to produce high frequency sound called?

The loudspeaker used to produce high frequency sound is called a tweeter. Tweeters are designed to reproduce frequencies in the higher range of the audio spectrum, typically above 2,000 Hz. They are commonly used in audio systems to enhance the clarity and detail of sound reproduction.