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hysteresis loss = N1/N2 R2/R1 C1/A1 (area of the loop)(vertical sensitivity) (horizontal sensitiivity

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Q: Formula of Hysteresis loss and Eddy current loss?
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Why armature core is laminated in dc machine?

to reduce the eddy current loss in the machine

How do you minimize core losses?

Hysteresis and eddy current loss constitute core loss. It can be reduced by replacing solid core by laminated core... by adeeb

Core loss of an induction motor?

Just like a transformer, the core losses are a combination of eddy current losses and hysteresis losses.

Why core loss depends on voltage?

Core loss depends on voltage because it is primarily due to hysteresis and eddy current losses in the magnetic core material. When the voltage increases, it leads to higher magnetic flux density variations within the core material, causing an increase in hysteresis and eddy current losses, thus resulting in higher core losses.

Causes of hysteresis loss in transformer?

No, you're hysteresis losses are set by Bmax, frequency, and material. The function is highly nonlinear and the loss goes up disproportionately with Bmax. When designing power transformers, you typically want the hysteresis + eddy losses to equal the copper losses.

A single-phase transformer when supplied from 220v50hz has eddy current loss of 50wif the transformer is connected to a voltage of 330v50hzthe eddy current loss will be?


Power loss in open circuit test?

There is no power loss in open circuit test. Actually there is iron loss also known as magnetic losses. These include hysteresis and eddy-current losses. This can be described as V1^2/Rc Where V1 is the primary voltage and Rc is the resistance of the magnetic core.

What is iron loss?

Iron losses (Pi) are independent of of load which occur due to pulsation of flux in the core. Iron losses include both Hysteresis loss and eddy current loss and is same at all the loads.

What is difference between eddy current loss and hysterisis loss?

Whenever rotor cuts the magnetic field, emf is induced it. Due to this emf, some current may flow in the rotor. This current is called Eddy current which is unnecessary and considered a loss called Eddy current loss. When a magnetic material is energised it follows B-H curve and when de-energised, it does not follow B-H curve. This difference is considered a loss called Hysterisis loss.

Can you measure hysteresis loss for diamagnetic materials?

what is hysteresis losses

How can hysteresis loss in magnetic material may be reduced?

Hysteresis losses depend on the type of metal used to manufacture the magnetic circuit of a machine. Most magnetic circuits are made from silicon steel. Generally speaking, there's not much you can do to reduce hysteresis losses as that has already been factored in by the machine's designer.

How eddy current losses andhysterious losses can be reduced?

eddy current can be reduced by using laminated cores. and also be reducing the thickness of the stampings. transformer iron loss is the combination of eddy current loss and hysterisis loss. both the losses depend on core of the transformer and iron loss is a constant loss.