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Q: Elastance is the reciprocal of capacitance so what is the reciprocal of inductance?
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How Conduct related to conduction?

Conductivity is the inverse of resistivity. (i.e. conductivity = 1/resistivity) Resistivity is the resistance per metre of material. So a material will have a resistance of its length multiplied by its resistivity. So the resistance of an object is calculated from conductivity of the material from which it is made and its length by resistance = 1 / (conductivity * length) This makes no attempt to account for capacitance or inductance, so the impedance of a material would be calculated from conductivity as well as capacitance (or inductance) per unit length.

What is meant by RLC circuits in series?

It means that you have the following three elements in series: R (resistance), L (inductance), C (capacitance).It means that you have the following three elements in series: R (resistance), L (inductance), C (capacitance).It means that you have the following three elements in series: R (resistance), L (inductance), C (capacitance).It means that you have the following three elements in series: R (resistance), L (inductance), C (capacitance).

Why only electrolytic capacitors are used for filter dc?

high capacitance better filtering, electrolytics have high capacitance per volume. however electrolytic have some parasitic inductance, so many small ceramic capacitors are distributed on cards near ICs as a final "cleanup" filter and switching noise suppressor.

Why capacitors and inductors cannot be designed and used at higher frequency?

Capacitors and inductors can be designed and used at higher frequencies. It is just harder to do so, because one has to consider parasitic capacitance and inductance. As an example, at a high enough frequency, even a simple piece of wire is an inductor, and it has capacitance relative to itself and to other wires.

What happens to the time constant if you replace the power supply with high voltage?

Nothing. The time constant is a function of resistance and/or capacitance and/or inductance. Voltage does not enter into the equation, except to note that high voltage applied where it was not intended can damage components.Exception: Some capacitors exhibit voltage dependent capacitance, so the time constant in that case would be partially dependent on voltage, but that is a special case.

What are the different ways a Capacitor can be used in circuits?

There are several types of capacitors (mainly depending on dielectric: electrolytic, coiled paper, air, ceramic) and for different purposes, the main idea for them is to allow current path for high frequency but a capacitor does not have only capacitance, it does have certain amount of series resistance and inductance depending on design so what works fine in audio frequencies do not do same job for radio frequencies or microwaves as the parasitic inductance becomes relevant. Some other use is tunning or preset where the capacitance is adjustable in order to accomplish resonance with an inductance. A capacitor (series of) is used in a ladder with diodes to rise DC from a low voltage oscillator. Killing HF oscillation is another use avoiding parasitic feedbacks.

Why out put current increase in transformer with capacitance load?

ferranti effect...B.*If we use capacitive load the stator MMF aid the rotor MMF. It means that in times of capacitive load rotor flux and main field flux are additive. So the alternator voltage increase with capacitance loading.[By Akhtaruzzaman08]

Reciprocal of 2 and 1 over 9?

21/9 = 19/9 so its reciprocal is 9/1921/9 = 19/9 so its reciprocal is 9/1921/9 = 19/9 so its reciprocal is 9/1921/9 = 19/9 so its reciprocal is 9/19

What is the reciprocal of 005?

005 = 5 so the reciprocal of 005 = reciprocal of 5 = 1/5 = 0.2

What is the inductance of Mechanical strain gauge?

"Mechanical Strain gauges" do not have inductance. There are many types of strain gauge: Mechanical, photoelastic, electrical etc.... Are you wanting the inductance of an electrical strain gauge? if so which type?

The reciprocal of 4 is?

The reciprocal of any number is one divided by that number, so, the reciprocal of 4 is 1/4.

What hapens to capacitance whe the voltage increases?

Capacitance is the ratio of charge to voltage, and is a constant. So, nothing will happen.