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Q: Does 120 to 240 volt equal 20 amps?
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How many amps does 320 watts equal?

To calculate the amps, divide the power in watts by the voltage. If the voltage is 120V, then 320 watts would be approximately 2.67 amps.

How many ampere equal to 3000 watt in 240 volt?

To convert watts to amps, use the formula: Amps = Watts / Volts. In this case, 3000 watts divided by 240 volts equals 12.5 amps. Therefore, 3000 watts at 240 volts is equal to 12.5 amps.

How many watts does a 3 amps use in America?

In America, the standard voltage is 120 volts. To calculate the wattage used by a 3 amp device, you would multiply the amperage (3 amps) by the voltage (120 volts) which equals 360 watts.

Can you plug 120 vac to 240 watts?

'Voltage' is electromotive force, and the 'Watt' is a unit of power. You can plug a 240 watt appliance (light, toy, radio etc) into a 120 volt socket as long as the appliance is rated for 120 volt AC operation.

500 watts at 120 volts equals how many amps?

1000 watts at 9.5AMPS in 120 volt = 4.7 AMPS in 240 volt ..........Divide that by 2 according to the choice of voltage... 500 watts (120V) + 4.7Amp

How do you wire a 120 volt gfci into a 240 volt three wire?

You can't. The 120 volt GFCI is probably just a 2-wire (hot, neutral and ground) You would have to run a new 3-wire (2 hots, neutral and ground). The two hots are how you get the 240 volts (120+120=240). Also you must make sure the wire is gauged properly. #10 wire for 30 amps, #12 wire for 20 amps, etc.

What is more efficient to run a pool pump on 120 Volt or 240 Volt?


How many amps is 400 watt in 240 volt?

calculation for Watts is = volts X amps P=IE P= Power(WATTS) I = Current(AMPS) and E = Voltage(VOLTS). So: I = P/E and E = P/I therefore: 1 watt = 1 ampere x 1 volt If you havea 240 volt lamp that is drawing .5 amp then it is using 120 Watts

How many amps in 3500 watts with 120 volts?

That depends on the voltage, but the residential standard is 240 volt. At that voltage you sit at around 15 amps, however it MUST be on a 20 amp circuit for national (US) or Canadian electrical code, as you can only load your circuit to 80% of it's capacity.

5000 watts at 240 volt will draw how many amps?

To find amps if watts and volts are known, use the formula; watts / volts = amps or 5000 / 240 = 20.83 amps

How many watts is in 2 amps?

To calculate the watts from amps, you need to know the voltage of the circuit. The formula to calculate watts is: Watts = Amps x Volts. So, without knowing the voltage in the circuit, it is not possible to accurately determine the wattage from just knowing the amperage.

Is it cheaper to run a 240 volt window air conditioner than a 120 volt widow air conditioner with same BTU?

Yes, a 240 volt window air conditioner is generally more energy efficient than a 120 volt unit with the same BTU rating. This is because higher voltage appliances require less current to operate, which can result in lower energy consumption and potentially lower operating costs.