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Every outlet in a home or a school is in parallel with every other outlet in the same

home or school, and also very possibly with every outlet in several other buildings

nearby. Every time you plug something into an outlet, you're connecting that thing

in parallel with every other electrical thing that's plugged into any of those others.

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Q: Do you use Parallel circuit at homes and schools?
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Do modern homes use electricity that is arranged in series or in parallel circuits?

In a modern home you use parallel circuit's. The reason why they are parallel circuit and not series is For example: say your kitchen light goes off, if that light goes off the others in your house won't. They also use parallel circuit in schools. However, when there is a switch in the circuit, that switch is in series with the load, so you could say that electrical wiring is arranged in series-parallel.

What is a combination circuit?

It was mentioned that there are two different ways to connect two or more electrical devices together in a circuit. They can be connected by means of series connections or by means of parallel connections. When all the devices in a circuit are connected by series connections, then the circuit is referred to as a series circuit. When all the devices in a circuit are connected by parallel connections, then the circuit is referred to as a parallel circuit. A third type of circuit involves the dual use of series and parallel connections in a circuit; such circuits are referred to as compound circuits or combination circuits. The circuit depicted at the right is an example of the use of both series and parallel connections within the same circuit. In this case, light bulbs A and B are connected by parallel connections and light bulbs C and D are connected by series connections. This is an example of a combination circuitBy EngineerMuhammad Zaheer Meer GMS

What is voltage drop in parallel circuit?

First calculate your resistance for your parallel circuit using the reciprocal formula1/1/r1+1/r2 etc... Get that total and then add it to your resistance total of your series circuits. Divideyour applied voltage EA by Resistance Total RTthis gives you your current total or IT. Calculate your voltage drops by multiplying IT by your resistors in the series circuit. Subtract those voltage drops from your applied voltage EA and you now have your voltage drops for your parallel circuit, which all are equal to each other.

Why are parallel circuits rather than series circuits used in house wiring?

Loads receive current independently of each other.

Is Sparking between contacts can be reduced by inserting a Resistance in the line?

not it will be more effective to use a capacitor in parallel...1/WC->0 as high frequency switching waves w-> inf.C provides a shrt circuit path.

Related questions

Do modern homes use electricity that is arranged in series or in parallel circuits?

In a modern home you use parallel circuit's. The reason why they are parallel circuit and not series is For example: say your kitchen light goes off, if that light goes off the others in your house won't. They also use parallel circuit in schools. However, when there is a switch in the circuit, that switch is in series with the load, so you could say that electrical wiring is arranged in series-parallel.

What circuit would you use if you were building a house?

A parallel circuit

Is the electric circuit in your home a series circuit or parallel circuit?

In my home, all of the utility outlets and all of the AC electrical devices we use arein parallel with all the others, and also with all similar outlets and devices in all ofthe homes of all of our neighbors whose houses are on the same transformer.

How is the wiring done in houses and or other occupied buildings?

It is in parallel, so one light can be on while others are turned off.

How do you use series circuit in a sentence?

This project will require a parallel circuit, not a series circuit.

What do electrical circuits in homes use?


Which type of circuit the parallel circuit are use?

they are used for more power than a series circuit so you should use this one.

Would you use Series or parallel circuit for Christmas lights?

Yes you would use a serial circuit You would use parallel circuit lights for a Christmas tree because if you used series circuit lights, and one of the bulb blows, the rest of the bulbs will go out. But with parallel circuit lights, if one bulb blows the rest of the bulbs will remain their brightness.

What type of circuit lets you use only one light at a time?

a parallel circuit

What can you use a parallel circuit for?

Christmas tree lights, this parallel circuit prevents one bulb failure from turning off the whole string of lights.

In science to prevent overloading in a parallel circuit you could install a what?

you can use a fuse or circuit breaker

Is parallel circuit connection more practical to use?

yes it is