The field-effect transistor (FET) is a transistor that relies on an electric field to control the shape and hence the conductivity of a channel of one type of charge carrier in a semiconductor material. FETs are sometimes called unipolar transistors to contrast their single-carrier-type operation with the dual-carrier-type operation of bipolar (junction) transistors (BJT). The concept of the FET predates the BJT, though it was not physically implemented until after BJTs due to the limitations of semiconductor materials and the relative ease of manufacturing BJTs compared to FETs at the time.
FET is a field effect transistor, abbreviated to FET. There are two basic types of FET: a junction FET abbreviated to JFET and an insulated gate FET , abbreviated to IGFET. The most common type of IGFET is a metal-oxide silicon FET, Known as a MOSFET. Modern microprocessors may contain tens of millions of MOSFETs.
FET stands for field-effect transistor.
mobility decreases
fet is a voltage controlled device...cut off voltage in fet refers to that voltage of the gate - source junction at which the current flow through channel is zero
B=sillicon f=fet w=used in high frequency application 11=gain of transistor
germanium - bipolar/darlington?/npn/pnp =4 silicon - bipolar/darlington/thickfilm/thinfilm/npn/pnp =8 J-FET/enhancement/depletion/nchannel/pchannel = 4 MOSFET/enhancement/depletion/nchannel/pchannel = 4 I know of 20 kinds without considering application packaging & frequency (speed).
explain all the parameters of fet
not nowdays
Fet's population is 9,485.
FET is a field effect transistor, abbreviated to FET. There are two basic types of FET: a junction FET abbreviated to JFET and an insulated gate FET , abbreviated to IGFET. The most common type of IGFET is a metal-oxide silicon FET, Known as a MOSFET. Modern microprocessors may contain tens of millions of MOSFETs.
FET stands for Field Effect Transistor. The name FET comes because the gate current of a field effect transistor is zero and current present in the source conductor is due to an electric field produced by the substrate material placed between the gate and the source.
Fet-Mats died in 1677.
A. A. Fet has written: 'Volshebnye zvuki'
FET stands for field-effect transistor.
The area of Fet is 176 square kilometers.
FET's improve the switching frequency from KHZ to MHZ.. FET can be used as temperature sensor.. and mosfet is used as a switch..
the function of an FET is to f*ck, eat and teach