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Q: Did Thomas Alva Edison ever mention when their family barn was burned God will help us and This building will rise again?
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Who invented the light bulb and who help?

Thomas Edison the year of 1879!!But before that Joseph Swan invented the first electric lightbulbSO HAHAHAHAHAHA I KNOW MORE THAN SOME1 THAT MIGHT BE OLDER THAN ME!

What do thomas Edison invented?

Phonograph - History The first great invention developed by Edison in Menlo Park was the tin foil phonograph. While working to improve the efficiency of a telegraph transmitter, he noted that the tape of the machine gave off a noise resembling spoken words when played at a high speed. This caused him to wonder if he could record a telephone message. He began experimenting with the diaphragm of a telephone receiver by attaching a needle to it. He reasoned that the needle could prick paper tape to record a message. His experiments led him to try a stylus on a tinfoil cylinder, which, to his great surprise, played back the short message he recorded, "Mary had a little lamb." Electricity and Light bulb - HistoryThomas Edison's greatest challenge was the development of a practical incandescent, electric light. Contrary to popular belief, he didn't "invent" the lightbulb, but rather he improved upon a 50-year-old idea. In 1879, using lower current electricity, a small carbonized filament, and an improved vacuum inside the globe, he was able to produce a reliable, long-lasting source of light. The idea of electric lighting was not new, and a number of people had worked on, and even developed forms of electric lighting. But up to that time, nothing had been developed that was remotely practical for home use. Edison's eventual achievement was inventing not just an incandescent electric light, but also an electric lighting system that contained all the elements necessary to make the incandescent light practical, safe, and economical. After one and a half years of work, success was achieved when an incandescent lamp with a filament of carbonized sewing thread burned for thirteen and a half hours.Edison Motion Pictures - HistoryThomas Edison's interest in motion pictures began before 1888, however, the visit of Eadweard Muybridge to his laboratory in West Orange in February of that year certainly stimulated his resolve to invent a camera for motion pictures. Muybridge proposed that they collaborate and combine the Zoopraxiscope with the Edison phonograph. Although apparently intrigued, Edison decided not to participate in such a partnership, perhaps realizing that the Zoopraxiscope was not a very practical or efficient way of recording motion. In an attempt to protect his future, he filed a caveat with the Patents Office on October 17, 1888, describing his ideas for a device which would "do for the eye what the phonograph does for the ear" -- record and reproduce objects in motion. He called it a "Kinetoscope," using the Greek words "kineto" meaning "movement" and "scopos" meaning "to watch."

When a LED burns out is the light dangerous?

No, there will be no light emitted from the diode if it is burned out.

Who repairs integrated circuit boards?

One possibility is the manufacturer of that particular board. Many have repair/exchange programs. If the board itself is physically broken and/or burned, it is probably not repairable. If components on the board are bad, it may be repaired. One possibility is the manufacturer of that particular board. Many have repair/exchange programs. If the board itself is physically broken and/or burned, it is probably not repairable. If components on the board are bad, it may be repaired.

Circuit in which all parts are connected one after another?

That is a series circuit. An example is old christmas tree bulbs where if one burned out they all went dark.

Related questions

What year did thomas Edison burn his family's barn?

Thomas Edison burned down his barn in the year 1853.

How old was Thomas Edison when he burnt down his family barn?

Thomas Edison was seven years old when he accidentally started a fire that burned down his family barn.

Where is Thomas Edison's light bulb?

Thomas Edison's light bulb burned for a number of years even after his death. The light bulb is currently located at the Menlo Park Museum.

Did thomas Edison burn anything?

Yes, Thomas Edison accidentally burned down his first laboratory in 1914. The fire caused significant damage to his research and personal belongings, but no one was injured.

How did Thomas Edison cause trouble when he was a kid?

He burned down his father's farm to see how fire works.

In 1879 this invention Thomas Edison burned for 13 hours?

The light bulb. The light bulb. The light bulb.

What was the main problem with Thomas Edison's light bulb invention?

The main problem with Thomas Edison inventing the light bulb is that he did not have enough filament, so he used a different material to replace it.

Is the light bulb that Thomas Edison invented still lit to this day?

No, the original light bulb that Thomas Edison invented is not still lit today. The filament in the bulb would have burned out a long time ago. However, there are modern versions of light bulbs that are based on Edison's original design.

In what year did Thomas Edison invent the light bulb?

Edison did not invent the lightbulb. He purchased the 1875 patent he purchased from inventors, Henry Woodwardand Matthew Evans and improved on it. His contribution was to develop a carbon filament that burned for forty hours. Edison placed his filament in an oxygenless bulb.

How did Thomas Edison burn down his barn?

It is believed that Thomas Edison's barn burned down due to a cauldron experiment he was conducting in the barn. The experiment involved attempting to extract rubber from goldenrod plants, which led to a fire. Despite the barn burning down, Edison reportedly viewed it as a learning experience and rebuilt the facility as a research laboratory.

Do you say burned or burnt?

burned is a verb burnt is the past tense - strange i know. e.g. : he burned down the building the building was burnt down

What are brown dwarves?

There is no mention of brown dwarves in Tokien. He does mention 'Burned Dwarves'. At the Battle of Azanulbizar there were too many dead to bury so they heaped them all and burned them. A 'Burned Dwarf' was greatly honored in Dwarf-lore.