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Can not do it without knowing the voltage I = E/R. Amps = Voltage/Ohms.

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Q: Convert 1000 ohms to amps
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How do you convert kilo ohm to ohms?

Multiply by 1000. 1K ohm = 1000 ohms

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To convert ohms to: microohms - multiply by a million milliohms - multiply by 1000 kilohms - divide by 1000 megohms - divide by a million

Convert .01 amps to mili amps?

To convert amps to milliamps, multiply by 1000. Therefore, 0.01 amps is equal to 10 milliamps.

What is the power of a parallel circuit with a resistance of 1000 ohms and a current of 0.03 amps?

.9 watts.

If voltage is 12 volts and ohms is 0.5 how many amps in circuit?

Ohm's law: Volts = Amps * Ohms, or Amps = Volts / Ohms 12 volts / 0.5 ohms = 24 amps

Formula for ohms law?

ohms=amps/volts Amps= volts/ohms Volts = Amps*Ohms

How can you convert kw to amps?

watts = volts x amps kilowatt = 1000 watts

How many amps is 3000 milliamps?

3000 milliamps is equal to 3 amps. To convert milliamps to amps, you divide by 1000.

How do you find OHM?

Ohms can be found by using these formulas. Ohms = Volts/Amps, Ohms = (Volts (squared))/Watts, Ohms = Watts/(Amps (squared)).

Can you Convert 4.5 amps to mA?

To convert 4.5 amps to milliamps (mA), you multiply by 1000 since 1 amp is equal to 1000 milliamps. Therefore, 4.5 amps is equal to 4500 milliamps.

Convert 15 amps 415v to kw?

To convert 15 amps at 415 volts to kilowatts, use the formula: kW = (amps x volts) / 1000. So, kW = (15 A x 415 V) / 1000 = 6.225 kW.

How do you work out the current?

There are three formulas that you can use. Amps = Volts/Ohms Amps = Watts/Volts Amps = sq root of Watts/Ohms