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idk, ask your science teacher(:

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Q: Can you wire a light bulb with one wire?
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What is the wire that gives off light in a light bulb?

In an incandescent light bulb the wire that gives off the light is called the Filament.

How do you build a conductivity tester?

Take two pieces of wire, one battery and one light bulb. Battery and light bulb should be the same voltage. Attach one end of one piece of wire to one pole of the battery (Soldering it would be best). Attach one end of the other piece of wire to the other pole of the battery and the other end of the wire to side conductor of the light bulb. You are done. To test the conductivity of something you simply touch the center conductor of the light bulb to one end of what you're testing and the other end of the first piece of wire to the other end of what you're testing. If what you're testing conducts electricity the current will run from the battery through what you're testing into the light bulb, out the other side of the light bulb and back to the battery and the light bulb will light up. If what you're testing doesn't conduct electricity, the electricity from the battery will not be able to pass through it to the light bulb and it won't light up. Good luck!

Which wire used for ordinary light bulb?

In most home wiring circuits, the black wire is used to power a light bulb. The other wire is white and is called the neutral conductor.

Threadlike wire that gives off light in light buLb?

You are thinking of a filament.

What does the support wires do on a light bulb?

As the name implies, support wires support the filament wire in the bulb, The filament, of course is the wire that glows white hot, giving out light

Related questions

Will two batteries and a wire make a light bulb light?

first of all, you need a bulb, a wire, and ONE light bulb. You clip the wire on the battery and touch the wire on the bottom of the light bulb

How would a meter be connected in a circuit too measure the voltage at a light bulb?

When connecting a volt meter to a light bulb to measure the voltage of the light bulb, run a third wire from where the wire enters the bulb to one terminal of the voltmeter and a fourth wire from the other side of the bulb to the other terminal of the voltmeter.

Why the bulb is not lighting when one wire or terminal is not connected?

When one wire or terminal is not connected to a light bulb, it is not possible for electricity to complete the circuit. When a circuit is not completed, the bulb will not light. An off switch, for example, breaks the circuit.

How do you make a circuit with a light bulb and battery?

Get your bulb, it should be a very small wattage (weak) one, get your battery and wires, connect one wire to plus side of abttery and other wire to minus side of battery, then connect to the bulb, you may have to play around a bit to find a connection that produces light.

What is the wire that gives off light in a light bulb?

In an incandescent light bulb the wire that gives off the light is called the Filament.

Why it is possible to light the bulb even though only one wire is used?

A complete electrical circuit is formed even with just one wire because the wire provides a path for the flow of electrons from the power source to the light bulb and back. This flow of electrons allows the bulb to light up. In this scenario, the bulb is acting as a resistor completing the circuit.

How do you build a conductivity tester?

Take two pieces of wire, one battery and one light bulb. Battery and light bulb should be the same voltage. Attach one end of one piece of wire to one pole of the battery (Soldering it would be best). Attach one end of the other piece of wire to the other pole of the battery and the other end of the wire to side conductor of the light bulb. You are done. To test the conductivity of something you simply touch the center conductor of the light bulb to one end of what you're testing and the other end of the first piece of wire to the other end of what you're testing. If what you're testing conducts electricity the current will run from the battery through what you're testing into the light bulb, out the other side of the light bulb and back to the battery and the light bulb will light up. If what you're testing doesn't conduct electricity, the electricity from the battery will not be able to pass through it to the light bulb and it won't light up. Good luck!

What is a wire in a light bulb?


How can lemon make a bulb light?

the Sparks on the copper makes the wire on the light bulb makes the 9v light bulb turn on.

Are you supposed to wrap the copper wire around the light bulb when making a potato powered light bulb?

You have to connect one conductor from potato to one terminal on light bulb and the other to the second conductor. Your light bulb must be a low voltage and low current bulb because a potato delivers very little power. Light bulbs that screw in would have one connection point on the screw in part and one at the bottom of the base of the bulb. It would be best to put the bulb in a socket that would allow easier connection of wires instead of trying to wrap the wire around the bulb.

How do you check for an electrical short to the brake light?

A multimeter is a good tool to check for a short in the brake light. Put one end of the meter on one side of the wire near the brake light. Put the other end on the metal that is around the bottom of the bulb. If the bulb does not light up, there is a short. If the bulb lights up, there is no short in the wire.

How do you make a battery light a light bulb?

Make a circuit with 2 wires a batery and a light bulb and touch wire to medle on light bulb