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no,we cant use transistor by combination of two diodes because we will come across a condition called current means large amount of current flows through the device,diode can just rectify the signal but not amplifies it.

Transistors however, can be used as diodes.

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yes, transistors are better as they can switch between on and off states

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Q: Can you use diode in place of a transistor?
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Can you use transistor as diode?

its the simplest thing to do. There are three legs in a transistor, one each of collector, base and emitter. So if you need to use it as a diode, just connect either collector-base or emitter-base. Say, if you use an NPN transistor, then the base region will be the anode of diode and emitter or collector will be the cathode of the diode.

What is Transit time in transistor or diode?

A transistor is a switch. A diode directs the flow of current.

How transistor work as a diode?

A: Actually a transistor have two diode with the base mas a common terminal. the characteristics of these tow diodes however are not the same as a common diode

Is a diode like a transistor?

No. A diode is not like a transistor, and a transistor is not like (two) diode(s). Taken in isolation, the emitter-base and collector-base junctions of a transistor appear to be diodes, but they are coupled together so that the base-emitter current affects the collector-emitter current.

Did someone ask the question can you use a transistor as a diode there is a device called a transistor diode connect base to either c or e forgot which to make a zero bias diode?

You can use a transistor as a diode if you connect the base to the collector. Any forward current through the base-emitter junction would cause a corresponding increase in the available current through the collector-emitter junction. Since the base-emitter and collector-emitter junctions are in parallel, this would effectively be a diode, but a true diode would be a better solution if diode functionality is what seek. A: There are actually two diodes, per se, inside a transistor. The base to emitter diode will suffice. By tying the collector to the base it will in effect be two diodes in parallel.

Can you use resistance in place of diode in clipping circuits?

no we not use resistance in place of diode.

Who is mostly used in the case of diode?


Can you use diode as trangister?

A: YES but not directly. for instance a discrete differential amplifier one side need to be a transistor to recover gain but the other transistor can be a diode since in real time that is the operative base to emitter current difference. .

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When both junctions of NPN diode are reverse biased then diode is in which mode?

Transistor will be in OFF mode.

When both junctions of NPN diode are reverse biased then the diode is in which mode?

Transistor will be in OFF mode.