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you can, but you need to be worried about a lawsuit. If something were to happen, lets say the house of the new owner burned down, you would get sued for the damages and probably more. You would probably need to put a disclaimer on there or something. Maybe even record your customer saying he will not sue if anything were to happen, that evidence would definitely hold in court

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Q: Can you legally make a homemade lamp using UL parts and sell it if you're not an electrician?
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What is the difference between electrical contractor and master electrician?

a Master Electrician is the person who has the educational and practical experience to perform electrical work according to NEC "National Electric Code". although others like a journeyman can perform those duties, the master electrician hold more education and able to certify electrical work.where and electrical contractor is a company which is licenced to obtain and perform electrical contracts. whoever, and electrical contractor can't perform have their licence without a master electrician being on board. in other words, an electrical contractor must maintain a valid master electrician and it own contracting licensesome states allow a person to be a contractor using his own SSN, in this case a master electrician could be also the contractor.

How do you rewire a 400 watt metal halide shop light to run on 110?

400w is the power 110 is the voltage. Is your light using 110v already or 220v? Believe you are already running at 110 and u don't understand electrical terms. Perhaps you should call an electrician

What is the table 310.16 of the NEC?

It's a table that shows the ampacity ratings for the particular wire size and insulation you are using. Example: #12 THHN CU is rated @ 30amps under the 90 degree column. (#12)is the wire size, (THHN)is the type of insulation on the wire (CU)is copper. You shouldn't be using the chart unless you're a qualified electrician simply because there are many sub rules and exceptions.

What is the process of becoming an electrician?

Read up on Electrical Fundaments. Learn this basics about electricity and what it does. Learn how to read wiring diagrams, how to shoot for power (using multimeter), and what kind of current you're looking for (Alternating Current/AC and Direct Current/DC). What you're actually looking for, an open circuit is when a wire is cut or broken and electricity isn't able to get where it needs to go, or a short circuit is when electricity is taking the easiest path and isn't going to where it should be going. Shorts can be recognized easily if you see a circuit breaker popped. Sorry for this, but you should definitely look into Electrical Fundamentals books, and then get some hands on experience from someone who knows what they are doing. Hope I helped out a little bit.

How do you make a railway signal using electromagnet?

how to make road rail signal using electromagnet

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You don't make a homemade bronzer without using cocoa. You would need the cocoa to bring in the brown colour in order for it to be a bronzer.

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When finding an electrician, it is a good idea to search using the Better Business Bureau. This tool will ensure you are hiring a local certified electrician to install patio lighting.

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You can make a homemade card table cover by using fabric and scissors. Once you have this equipment, you can create your own homemade table cover for your table.

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a homemade hovercraft works by using using a battery powered leaf blower to find out more please go to amasci (see related link) and in search box type in homemade hovercrafts in capital letters there it will show how to make one and everything you need to make it

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Homemade Christmas decorations can be made using paper lying around. Or by using cookies that one can hang up on the tree. One can make a Christmas tree out of paper and wire.

When making homemade heavy cream do you have to let it sit before using?

no you should do it asap

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Wash your hair

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by old designed using styrofoam,adjustable kerosene lamp,thermometer

Can you legally make an item using a soda or beer can and sell it?


What are some homemade teeth whitening techniques?

One technique of creating a homemade teeth whitening is by using baking soda. Apply a small amount of baking soda to a toothbrush and gently brush and rinse.

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You can substitute borax with Epsom salt or baking soda when making homemade snowflakes. These alternatives can still help create the crystal effect without using borax.

How do I replace Nerf parts?

There are two options. You can either buy ammo packs(the darts break down to about $0.25 apiece), or you can star using homemade darts called Stefans. has a great demo on making stefans. However, the people there aren't the nicest bunch.