An R-L circuit is one having both resistance and inductance. These are naturally-occurring quantities that most circuits possess and, so, don't necessarily have any practical applications per se. However, a practical example of an R-L circuit is an electric motor whose windings have both resistance and inductance.
No, the resonant frequency of a RLC series circuit is only dependant on L and C. R will be the impedance of the circuit at resonance.
In general, the way to reduce effective Q in a parallel RLC circuit is to reduce the value of R.
Answer:A given combination of R,L and C in series allows the current to flow in a certain frequency range only.For this reason it is known as an acceptor circuit i.e.,it accepts some specific frequencies....
No. You have to consider the inductor and the capacitor. Impedance of RLC circuit is equal to to the Value of Resistor Only AND Only on Resonate frequency. otherwise u have to cnsider resistance inductance and capacitance together in series.
RLC circuit(or LCR circuitorCRL circuitorRCL circuit) is anelectrical circuitconsisting of aresistor, aninductor, and acapacitor, connected in series or in parallel. The RLC part of the name is due to those letters being the usual electrical symbols forresistance,inductanceandcapacitancerespectively. The circuit forms aharmonic oscillatorfor current and willresonatein a similar way as anLC circuitwill. The main difference that the presence of the resistor makes is that any oscillation induced in the circuit will die away over time if it is not kept going by a source. This effect of the resistor is calleddamping. The presence of the resistance also reduces the peak resonant frequency somewhat. Some resistance is unavoidable in real circuits, even if a resistor is not specifically included as a component. A pure LC circuit is an ideal which really only exists in theory
In a RLC series circuit the Q factor magnify the voltage to the circuit.
Variable tuned circuits Filters Oscillators Voltage multiplier Pulse discharge circuit
RLC is a type of electrical circuit that involves a resistor, an inductor and a capacitor. The throughput is the amount of energy travelling through the circuit.
The phase shift angle of an RLC circuit is constant for a constant frequency, but changes with different frequencies.The phase angle of the AC in the RLC circuit is however continuously changing. Otherwise it wouldn't be AC.
No, the resonant frequency of a RLC series circuit is only dependant on L and C. R will be the impedance of the circuit at resonance.
XL=Xc is the resonance condition for an RLC circuit
1. The RLC series circuit is a very important example of a resonant circuit. It has a minimum of impedance Z=R at the resonant frequency, and the phase angle is equal to zero at resonance.AnswerThe impedance of an RLC circuit is the vector sum of the circuit's resistance, inductive reactance, and capacitive reactance -all of which are expressed in ohms. This applies whether the circuit is at resonance or not.
In general, the way to reduce effective Q in a parallel RLC circuit is to reduce the value of R.
A circuit in which elements are connected in series.For example in RLC series circuit resistor,inductor and capacitor are connected in series.
Answer:A given combination of R,L and C in series allows the current to flow in a certain frequency range only.For this reason it is known as an acceptor circuit i.e.,it accepts some specific frequencies....