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There are a lot of benefits that can come with electric generators. Many people may have a hard time seeing the benefits of buying electric generators, but these people are usually the ones wishing they had one when the need arises. The truth is that electric generators are really something that you have on hand to protect yourself from loss associated with an unforeseeable power outage. In a business environment, these outages can result in a big loss in productivity. However, in the home environment, these outages can result in the loss of hundreds of dollars when your refrigerator and freezer don't have power.

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Who sells electric generators?

You can find electric generators in stores like Lowes and Sears. You can get help at the store for choosing the right generator for yourself. The generators available can be researched more for reviews and selected.

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Where can I buy home electric generator?

you can look at home depot or lowe's for different generators. There are a lot of options and the sales associates know a great deal about the different brands and benefits.

Where is it possible to purchase an electric generator?

Stores such as Walmart, Home Depot, Sears, and WayFair. There are a few stores like Overstock and Electric Generators Direct that sell electric generators for low prices.

Where can one buy a portable electric generator?

Portable electric generators can be purchased from many company's on the internet. A few of the company's that will stock portable electric generators are eBay,Amazon and Best Buy.

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Electric motors and generators are electromagnetic devices that are the opposite of each other. Electric motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, while electric generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

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