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Q: Wind power generates
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Where can I learn what a green power generator is?

A wind turbine is what it is. It's very tall (big) and moves (spins) and it generates power from the wind that pushes the blades. This is green since it's powered by wind, and it generates power.

What does a wind tebine do?

A wind turbine (please note spelling) generates electricity from wind power.

What energy do wind turbines make?

It generates wind power and turns it to solar energy.JK

How does wind power get energy to houses?

Wind power generates electricity. This is fed into the grid and comes along the power lines to your house.

The different between tidal power and wind power generation?

Tidal power generates electricity using the movement of ocean tides, usually through underwater turbines. Wind power generates electricity using the kinetic energy from wind, typically through wind turbines on land or offshore. Both are renewable sources of energy but rely on different natural phenomena for generation.

How does a wind mill rotating slowly can generate power?

A windmill generates power through its blades capturing the kinetic energy of the wind and converting it into mechanical energy. This mechanical energy is then transferred to a generator, which converts it into electrical energy. The speed at which the windmill rotates affects the amount of power it can generate.

Which object converts wind power to electricity?

A wind turbine is the object that converts wind power into electricity. When the wind turns the blades of the turbine, it spins a generator which then produces electricity.

What generates electricity without polluting the environment?

Utilizing wind power....i.e. wind mills to generate electricity. Solar Energy....i.e. solar panels

How can you get electricity from wind power?

The wind turns the turbines, which creates heat. This heat is used to heat up water, creating steam and turning a generator, which generates electricity.

What is three energy sources?

Three energy sources are solar power, wind power, and natural gas. Solar power collects energy from the sun using solar panels, wind power generates electricity from wind turbines, and natural gas is a fossil fuel used for electricity generation and heating.

What does wind turbine help?

a wind turbine generates electricity for or use

How Can you Charge Cell Phone Battery without Electricity?

There are cell phone chargers that are available that run on solar and wind power, which generates electricity.