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It isn't exactly "better" because it isn't reusable and it causes a lot of pollution, but

it however does work faster because there are large amounts of it. There can only be so much solar energy to be absorbed in panels.

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Q: Why is oil better than solar energy?
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Gas vehicles use oil to create fuel and solar vehicles use sun energy or wind energy to create fuel. The correct answers is yes, solar vehicles are better than gas vehicles!

Why is coal better than other resources of energy?

Coal is not better than other energy sources. It is easy to dig up and cheap, if the company does not pay a carbon price, but it emits vast amounts of carbon dioxide which is causing global warming.Of the fossil fuels, natural gas is better than oil, and oil is better than coal, regarding their CO2 emissions, but they all pollute.Any renewable energy source is better, solar, hydro, wind, tidal, wave, geothermal and biofuel.

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Solar power is another way for us to harness energy. Natural resources such as coal and oil are limited resources and we are using them quickly. Solar energy is also better for the environment.

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Solar energy and wind energy.

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Is solar power a better source than fossil fuel oil?

Only during the day!

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Why is solar power better than oil?

Solar power is better than oil for many reasons, here are just a few: Solar power doesn't affect global warming: Burning oil causes CO2 to be released into the air, causing the earth to warm. Solar power doesn't harm the environment: Oil spills kill ecosystems, burning oil produces acid rain ( rain with a high acidity level ) Solar power is basically free, other then the material cost for making the solar panels: oil cost alot to drill, and then move to the gas stations Solar power will be here forever, anyone can put a solar panel out and get power: Oil will be gone in the next generation or two, after that, there is no more oil.

What pollution comes from solar energy?

Electricity generated by solar panels or solar towers emits no carbon dioxide (or any other) emissions. This is why it is so much better than fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). The manufacture of anything, including solar hardware, has a carbon footprint, though this is usually balanced out after a few months of use.

What is the difference between oil and solar energy?

Oil is a fossil fuel derived from decaying organic matter, while solar energy comes from the sun's radiation. Oil is nonrenewable and emits greenhouse gases when burned, contributing to climate change, while solar energy is renewable, sustainable, and emits no greenhouse gases during operation. Solar energy is harnessed using solar panels, while oil is extracted through drilling and refining processes.

Name three energy sources besides oil and gas?

solar, nuclear, solar, wind

What are the advantages of using solar energy instead of coal and oil for energy?

The main advantage of using solar energy is that it is renewable. The sun produces more energy in a minute than the planet uses in a year, and will take several billion years to run out. The sun also does not pollute. Coal and oil, however, will run out, and the emissions produced by them are very harmful.