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It produces the most in a country like Canada which has plenty of mountains with high lakes, therefore hydro energy is abundant. Countries without mountains do not have so much hydro energy, although they might use water wheels driven by rivers.

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Q: Why is hydroelectric energy produce the most electricity?
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Why does most of British Columbia's electricity come from hydroelectric energy?

In British Columbia, hydroelectric energy is clean, renewable, abundant and relatively inexpensive.

What is the name given to electricity generated by water moving through a turine?

The electricity generated by water moving through a turbine is called hydroelectric power. This renewable energy source harnesses the kinetic energy of flowing water to produce electricity. It is a clean and sustainable energy option that helps reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

Is hydroelectric energy clean?

It is one of the cleanest energy sources out there. What is happening to produce hydroelectric energy is that water is spinning a turbine and that turbine produces electricity. There is no fuels burning to produce it. The most harmful part of the production is the initial setup of the turbine (located at damns). There is no 100% clean energy. If it generates sound, then it can be considered pollution. There is waste in refining the materials to make it.

What is the most efficient way to produce electric?

The most efficient way to produce electricity currently is through renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. These sources generate electricity with minimal environmental impact and reliance on finite resources. Additionally, advancements in technology continue to improve the efficiency of renewable energy production.

The most common what to produce electricity in Washington?

The most common way to produce electricity in Washington state is through hydropower. Washington has a lot of rivers and dams which provide ample opportunity for hydroelectric power generation. This source of energy is considered clean and renewable, making it a popular choice in the state.

In the near future where will most electricity come from?

In the near future, most electricity will come from hydroelectric, Solar and Wind energy technology and or a mixture of all

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What energy source is used to produce most of the electricity you used today?

solar energy

What energy source is used to produce most of the electricity used today?

solar energy

What is the most common source of energy used to produce electricity?

The most common source of energy used to produce electricity is fossil fuels, such as coal, natural gas, and oil. These fuels are burned to generate heat, which is then used to produce steam that drives turbines to generate electricity.

How does China produce most of its electricity?

China produces most of its electricity from coal, with coal-fired power plants accounting for a significant portion of the country's total electricity generation. In recent years, China has also been expanding its renewable energy sources such as hydroelectric, wind, and solar power to diversify its energy mix and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

What would electricity be like in the near future?

Nuclear energy will run out in 2,100 AD and fossil fuels will run out in 2,300 AD. After that, clean and renewable energy will be commonly used. In the near future, most electricity will come from hydroelectric energy and geothermal energy.