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You are an idiot. It would be too expensive and hard to make. Why aren't all cars made out of carbon fiber then?

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Q: Why are car bodies not made from magnsium?
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What is magnsium used for?

Magnesium is used for.......STUFF

How are car bodies made?

by casteing together of iron and steel

Why doesn't car body is made of iron or steel?

car bodies are made of steel alloy that contains iron and carbon.

Why are car bodies made from steel?

so they don`t get damaged as easily

Why are car bodies not made from a low densiy metal like magnesium?

Too expensive

What part of a car is ferrous?

It depends on the car, but for most cars the frame and body is made of steel and is therefore ferrous. However, some newer hybrid car bodies are made of aluminum or plastic and therefore not ferrous.

What happens when you burn magnsium in oxygen?

Oxydation of magnesium: 2 Mg + O2 = 2 MgO

Why cast iron and aluminium used for chassis rather than titanium and magnsium?

Because of the cost

Is there any kind of racing series that uses normal car bodies like Forza or gran turismo?

By normal car bodies, i am guessing you mean real car bodies. There is Test Drive and Midnight Club.

What material car body is made out of IN 1920?

The bodies of most cars in 1920 were made of Tin or Steel. The Ford Model T was known as the Tin Lizzie for this reason.