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Q: Who invented battries?
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People who played a role in the discovery of battries?

People who played a role in the discovery of battries?

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What are the strongest battries?

a car battery

What battries do furbys take?

Double A or Triple A depending on what size it is.

Does Nerf recon gun need batteries?

no,you will only need battries for the light that is compatible with any gun the battries you will need are TRIPPLE A(AAA)you will need 4 of them keep spares on you just in case

How do Lego 9v trains work?

u put the battries in the bottom of the train and turn it on ....!!!!!

Does the Nerf magstrike need battries?

nope, it is air pressure powered which means you pump it.

How many battries do Wii remotes take?

Two AA Batteries (or a rechargeable pack.)

Were does the battries of a Nerf Recon cs-6 go?

Recon's don't take batteries, buddy.

Can fruits and vegetable work as battries?

As long the fruit or vegetable have a normal to high acidic level, they can

How change the battries for itouch?

Bring it into to the apple store and ask them if you can schedule an appointment to get the battery changed.

What type of energy is in foods fuels and battries?

It's chemical energy that twats ues in the long run.