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if u have a clean driving record that i would say geico. but as soon as u have the slightest accident or a speed ticket they will increase your premuim over the top or drop u. I know this from experinece in NY

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Q: Which is the best and the cheapest Insurance for your car?
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What is the cheapest car insurance company?

The cheapest car insurance company is highly dependant on your situation. I would recommend using a local insurance company website that compares rates to find which one is best for you.

What should one do to find the cheapest car insurance?

Yelp can help try the cheapest car insurance and find the one that actually gives the best services. Triple A is a bit more expensive but it provides the best services for its values.

How can one find cheap car insurance?

The best way to find the cheapest car insurance today is to submit your contact details to the insurance companies you are interested in and ask for a quote. If you receive the quotes back you can compare the prices and choose the cheapest insurance you can afford.

What is the cheapest car insurance you have paid?

The cheapest car insurance is call Cheapest car insurance. But cheaper is not always better and when it is going to help you with paying of damage i would spend more money to get better coverage.

What is the cheapest car insurance in the UK?

If you are trying to get the cheapest car insurance that you can, then you should go to the Q4 Insure website. They offer plenty of car insurance quotes for you to check out.

What company offers the most inexpensive car insurance?

johnn:Progressive is the cheapest with the best customer service

What insurance companies in Texas offer the cheapest rates to teen drivers?

The best place to buy car insurance for teen drivers is AAA. This website explains why it's the cheapest:

Where can I find cheap liability car insurance?

The cheapest car insurance is offered by Progressive.

Where can one compare the cheapest car insurance quotes?

Nationwide and Cheap Car Insurance Auto are two places an individual can visit to compare the cheapest car insurance quotes that is needed in his or her favor.

How does one go about finding the cheapest car insurance around?

There are several sites dedicated to finding you the best options on car insurance. They let you compare Geico, Progressive, AllState, and other major car insurance companies.

Is there a website that compares different car insurance rates?

The CarInsurance Website allows you to compare different insurance rates to find the plan that is the best for your situation and will be the best and the cheapest for you.

Which rental car insurance policy is the best one in Pennsylvania for a temporary period?

Nationwide and travelers seem to have the highest ratings out of any car insurance policy in the Penn area. The cheapest and best insurance place would be travelers in Pennsylvania.