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Old ones. Pre 1972's, before catalytic converters.

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Name the gases produce when driving a car?

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Do Jaguars have Ford or Chevy engines?

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Does an auto co-signer have to put the car in their name?

In most circumstances, both names (the person who bought the car as well as the co-signer) will appear on the ownership papers, and/or on the loan for the car. With respect to co-signing a car loan, if one person fails to make the payments, the co-signer is considered liable. I enclose a link about this.

Your father passed away and was the primary you are the co signer but do not want the car do you have to pay?

Answer Most likely you will have to pay for the car, as you co-signed for it. If you don't want the car, you can alway sell it and use the money from the sale of the car to help pay it off.

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When was Courier Car Co created?

Courier Car Co was created in 1909.

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Can a 17 year old get a car loan for 5000 dollars with out a co-signer?

A 17 year old will not be able to get a car loan for $5,000 dollars without a co-signer. Most banks will not give a 17 year old a loan even with a co-signer.

Can a co signer sue the car owner?

Generally, yes, assuming that the "car owner" is the person who took out the loan that was co-signed AND that the owner defaulted on the loan and the co-signer was forced to pay the balance of the loan. Typically, the main borrower, i. e. the car owner, is primarily liable for the loan while a co-signer is only secondarily liable. This means that the co-signer has no obligation to make payments unless the primary borrower defaults. In most contracts involving co-signers, the contract will have a provision that if the co-signer has to pay on behalf of the primary borrower, then the primary borrower must indemnify the co-signer. If the primary borrower refuses to pay the co-signer, the co-signer can sue the car owner to recover what he paid for the car owner.

When was Barley Motor Car Co. created?

Barley Motor Car Co. was created in 1916.

When did Barley Motor Car Co. end?

Barley Motor Car Co. ended in 1929.