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The best type of intermittent energy is pumped energy. Pumped energy is when water is pumped up into a dam during a period of low energy consumption (generally at night) and is stored there until a period of high energy usage. When the electricity is required, the water is released and the power fed into the electrical supply. This makes pumped energy controlled unlike other forms such as tidal power where the energy is available twice daily at set times only.

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Q: Which are the best intermittent energy sources?
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Is geothermal energy intermittent?

Geothermal energy. Heat from deep under the ground remains constant, not intermittent, so geothermal plants that drill deep into the hot layers will have constant power.Hydro and wave energy is also constant. Other alternative energy sources (solar, wind, tides) are all intermittent, as power is only available at particular times, and so need energy storage.

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Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower can replace nuclear power. These sources are sustainable, produce fewer greenhouse gases, and have lower environmental risks compared to nuclear energy. Additionally, advancements in energy storage technologies can help balance the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources.

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Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power depend on the weather, as they rely on wind and sunlight to generate electricity. Hydropower, another renewable energy source, also depends on weather patterns for water availability and flow. Weather conditions can affect the output of these energy sources, making them somewhat variable and intermittent.

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There isn't a single "best" energy resource as the best choice depends on various factors such as location, availability, cost, and environmental impact. It's important to have a mix of energy resources to meet diverse needs and to transition towards cleaner, more sustainable options like renewable energy sources.

Can nuclear energy work well with other form of energy?

Yes, nuclear energy can work well with other forms of energy. It can complement renewable energy sources by providing consistent baseload power, which helps to stabilize the grid when renewables are intermittent. Additionally, nuclear energy can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions when combined with clean energy sources.

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Non-conventional sources of energy, such as solar and wind power, may not be as popular due to several reasons, including higher initial costs for installation, intermittent availability, and challenges in integrating them into current energy grids. Additionally, traditional energy sources like fossil fuels have a well-established infrastructure and are often more easily accessible and familiar to consumers and businesses.

Does biomass work well with other forms of energy?

Yes, biomass can work well with other forms of energy such as solar, wind, or hydroelectric power. Biomass can be used to complement these renewable energy sources by providing a constant and controllable source of energy that can help balance the variability of these intermittent sources. Additionally, biomass can also be integrated with traditional energy sources like coal or natural gas to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve overall sustainability.

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What might be one problem with using energy from wind and sun?

One problem with using energy from wind and sun is that they are intermittent sources, meaning they are not constant and may not always be available. This can create challenges in matching energy supply with demand and may require energy storage solutions to address intermittency.

What alternative energy sources are not intermittent and do not require energy storage?

Not intermittent:Hydro-electricity. The store of water behind the dam means that power can be generated all the time.Wave energy. Ocean waves are constantly moving. Machines that harness the up-and-down movement, as well as the side-to-side movement, mean that power can be gathered constantly.Geothermal energy. Heat from deep under the ground remains constant, so geothermal plants that drill deep into the hot layers will have constant power.Other alternative energy sources (solar, wind, tides) are all intermittent, as power is only available at particular times, and so need energy storage.

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