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Q: What sources of energy can people use instead of fossil fuels?
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Why do people use fossil fuels instead of renewable energy?

People use fossil fuels because they are currently more easily accessible and cheaper to produce than renewable energy sources. Additionally, the infrastructure for distributing and utilizing fossil fuels is already well-established in many places. However, the environmental impacts of fossil fuel use, such as climate change, are prompting a shift towards renewable energy sources.

What do these energy sources have in common and how do they differ from fossil fuels?

Answer: Many natural resources are of energy. People use energy not only from fossil fuels, but also from the wind and the sun. Dams produce hydroelectric power by harnessing the power of falling water.

Why do people need to develop alternative sources of renewable energy and become less dependent on fossil fuels?

Mainly two reasons. (1) The fossil fuels will eventually be used up. (2) Fossil fuels cause pollution.

Name some coventional sources of energy?

Conventional sources of energy include coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear power. These sources have been traditionally used to generate electricity and power transportation.

What could people change that would reduce the burning of fossil fuels?

People can reduce the burning of fossil fuels by using more renewable energy sources like solar or wind power, choosing energy-efficient appliances and vehicles, supporting policies that promote clean energy, and reducing overall energy consumption through conservation practices.

Why are fossil fuels currently the energy source that people worldwide use frequently?

Fossil fuels are widely used because they are relatively inexpensive, easily accessible, and provide high energy density. However, their use contributes to air pollution, climate change, and resource depletion. The transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources is vital for addressing these environmental challenges.

Should people conserve fossil fuels?

Yes, people should conserve fossil fuels because they are finite resources that contribute to air pollution and climate change when burned. Conserving fossil fuels can help reduce carbon emissions and support the transition to renewable energy sources.

What can people do to make fossil fuel supplies last longer?

To make fossil fuel supplies last longer, people can prioritize energy efficiency by using energy-saving appliances, driving fuel-efficient vehicles, and reducing overall energy consumption. Additionally, promoting and investing in renewable energy sources can help decrease reliance on fossil fuels and contribute to their long-term sustainability.

What is the second most important source after fossil fuels contributing to India's energy needs?

Sources do not contribute to needs, they contribute to SUPPLY.Needs are generated by people and industry.

When do the transition from fossil fuels to other energy sources occur?

Fossil fuels will some day run out, so the only means of energy will be from renewable sources. The use of biofuels is rapidly growing, but petroleum is source for most of the fuel for our cars. So, we are transitioning, but not very fast. Renewable energy sources have been significant contributors to our energy needs for decades, primarily in hydroelectric power from dams. The US governmental agencies are encouraging people to use energy efficiently and increase the supply of energy from renewable sources. See related link. You can also find information on each of the renewable energy sources (wind, hydroelectric, solar and biofuels) by searching the internet.

What type of energy do most people of the world currently depend on?

Most people in the world currently depend on fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, for their energy needs. These sources are widely used for electricity generation, transportation, and heating.

Why might people look for alternatives to fossil fuel?

People may seek alternatives to fossil fuels due to concerns over environmental pollution, climate change, and resource depletion. Fossil fuels are also finite resources, leading to the exploration of renewable energy sources as a more sustainable long-term solution.