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Currently (2010) around 2.4%

This number is increasing yearly because of new installations of wind turbines. These are often constructed in areas with low population density and with high average wind speeds.

In 2009 about 1.8 percent of the electricity generated in the United States was generated by wind power. This amount has been increasing by a fraction of a percent each year for the last several years. Texas generates the most power by wind of any state, over 14 billion kilowatt-hours in 2009. Iowa generates the most power by wind as a percentage of all the electricity generated in the state, 14.2% in 2009.

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Q: What percentage of electricity in the US is produced by wind power?
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Where is wind power produced?

wind power produces electricity

What are three ways electricity can be produced?

Electricity can be produced through fossil fuel combustion, nuclear reactions, and renewable sources such as wind and solar power.

How would you arrange Nuclear power Wind power and Petroleum from highest to lowest percentage of world wide use?

Assuming you mean total energy produced rather than electricity alone, the order would be petroleum, nuclear, wind power

Difference between wind power and wind energy?

Wind power refers to the conversion of wind energy into electricity using wind turbines. Wind energy, on the other hand, is the form of energy produced by the movement of air in the atmosphere. Wind energy is harnessed and converted into wind power to generate electricity.

How much of electricity will produced in wind mill per day?

A wind turbine with a diameter of about 150m will generate about 10MW of power.

How can wind energy source be utilized?

Wind energy can be harnessed through wind turbines to generate electricity. These turbines capture the kinetic energy of the wind and convert it into electrical power. The electricity produced can then be used to power homes, businesses, and even entire communities.

What happens to electricity that is produced in wind turbines?

Electricity produced in wind turbines is sent to a power grid for distribution to homes and businesses. It can be used immediately or stored in batteries for later use. If there is excess electricity generated, it can also be sold back to the grid.

What is wind power replacing?

one of the things wind power is replacing water driven hydroturbines that generate electricity. Ultimately, if the proper power converters are produced, wind power can eliminate our need for petroleum based power plants.

How much electricity is produced by wind?

42 pints of electricity

How is electricity produced by wind energy?

Wind energy is harnessed by placing turbines in areas with strong, consistent wind. When the wind blows, it causes the turbine blades to spin, turning a generator that produces electricity. This electricity is then transmitted through power lines for use in homes and businesses.

What percent of the electricity in the world is produced from that kind of power?

Approximately 26% of the world's electricity is generated from renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. This percentage is steadily growing as countries invest more in clean energy technologies to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.

How can electricity by produced from wind?

The wind causes the vanes on a generator to spin. This spinning creates electricity.