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Energy saving and easier parking

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Q: What is the purpose for the smart cars?
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Related questions

What do smart cars run on?

Smart cars run on petroleum.

Where are smart cars made?

Smart cars are a German car that are made in France.

What company makes Smart Cars?

Mercedes and Renault are the producers of smart cars

Are hybrid cars smart cars?

No smart cars are not hybrids, nor are they overall good for the environment. They do help reduce fuel consumption some.

Are smart cars electric cars?

no but it is very slow

Where are smart cars from?


How do smart cars work?

Usually smart cars are small and there features are good for a comfortable drive there fuel efficient system works very well and many people prefer to use smart cars

What cars are 100 inches or less in length?

smart cars

What is the cost of smart cars?

the cost of smart cars start from £7060 for the basic model but for the high spec it can be as high as £15365

Are smart cars automatic?


Are Smart Cars Really Safe?


Who manufactures smart cars?
