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The main problem is that the hydrogen gas is difficult to store. Since it would have to highly pressurised, it would be inconvenient and dangerous to store in cars/automobiles.

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Q: What is the big problem with hydrogen fuel cells?
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What are some facts about hydrogen?

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. It is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. Hydrogen is used in various industries, such as in the production of ammonia, refining petroleum, and in hydrogen fuel cells for clean energy.

Hydrogen is not made in the stars?

Correct. Hydrogen is not made in stars. Hydrogen is the simplest material, and we believe that the vast majority of the matter "created" after the Big Bang was hydrogen, with a little helium and tiny traces of lithium.Hydrogen is CONSUMED in stars, as the fuel for the thermonuclear fusion reaction that converts hydrogen into helium.

How much hydrogen does it take to drive a car?

The amount of hydrogen needed to drive a hydrogen fuel cell car varies based on the car model and its fuel efficiency. On average, a hydrogen fuel cell car may require around 1 to 1.5 kilograms of hydrogen per 100 kilometers.

How can Hydrogen be used to power a car?

Yes it is used in Iceland

What is E vap system and is it a big problem if it is leak large?

could be as easy as a loose or faulty fuel cap

When will a car that uses water as fuel be invented?

They are working on that as we speak. They are trying to develop a machine that will remove the Hydrogen from H2O then use the Hydrogen to power an engine. Right now the machine is to big to incorporate it into an automobile.

What is liquid Hydrogen used for?

Rocket fuel. Liquid Hydrogen plus Liquid Oxygen were the fuels used in the main engines for the space shuttle. That's what was in the big orange tank the shuttle rode into orbit.

What are the fuel sources for the sun?

The primary fuel source for the sun is hydrogen, which undergoes nuclear fusion to form helium. This process releases a tremendous amount of energy in the form of light and heat. The sun converts about 4 million tons of mass into energy every second.

What are some issues caused or created by corn?

A problem created by corn is that when we turn it into fuel, other people starve, creating for a big controversy.

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Why are cars not being made with fuel cells?

They are already!Unfortunately vehicles developed and powered by fuel cells are technologically problem prone, but some significant progress has been made already. Although cost prohibitive; eventually the consumers own demand coupled with the high cost of fossil fuels (and environmental problems concerned with hydrocarbons) will help to spur on fuel cell development futher.The real question is; How soon will we see fuel cell powered cars mainstream?The answer inevitably is when technological barriers are overcome to enable fuel cell developers to economically roll-out vehicles powered this way. In other words given time, expertise, and learning to understand and develop fuel cell technology properly (particularly economically derived hydrogen power) as well as consumer demand for cleaner alternatives to hydrocarbons will we ultimately see them at the forefront of our transportation system.I think the DMFC (Direct Methanol Fuel Cell) will probably be the leading fuel cell technology that will prevail.I attribute this to the fact that it is much easier and less energy intensive to extract the hydrogen from Methanol and convert it to electricity (or burn the hydrogen directly in a combustion engine) than it is for hydrogen derived from H2O. This is hydrogen on demand - as and when your engine needs it (produced at the source) rarther than carrying potentially dangerous cryogenic or pressurised hydrogen fuel tanks.The downside to all this however is that Methanol is mostly produced using methane and other fossil hydrocarbons which sort of defeats the objective. As in the early days prior to the utilisation of crude oil; Methanol can be produced in other more environmentally friendly ways (for example by using biomass) but a major shift for change would be required as well as a rekindling of forgotten methanol production techniques.Methanol Links are to the leftBecause they are too expensive, big and heavy, the only way is to use them is in a pick-up truck, you place all the cells on the bed and even this way the range will be too short !, not more than 40 miles with one charge........

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too big of a problem :p