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Q: What is a burning coal and exhaust from automobiles release carbon into the air?
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What is it called when burning coal and exhaust from automobiles release carbon into the air?

This process is called carbon emissions. When coal is burned or exhaust from automobiles is released, it contributes to the presence of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to issues such as climate change and air pollution.

Burning coal and exhaust from automobiles release carbon into the air?

Yes, burning coal and automobile exhaust release carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. This accumulation of carbon dioxide contributes to global warming and climate change. It is important to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and transition to cleaner sources of energy to mitigate these effects.

Burning coal and exhaust from automobiles release carbon into the air is called?

This process is called carbon emissions, where carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere. These emissions contribute to global warming and climate change.

Why does car have carbon around the exhaust pipe?

because it puts out carbon from burning fuel,

Can you use water as a fuel in automobiles?

they didn't contain carbon and the by product of burning are carbon dioxide and water but can be used by electrolysis of water

What is the source of the most of the carbon?

The most important source of carbon entering atmosphere is industries. Living things, burning fossil fuels and automobiles are other sources of carbon dioxide.

What gases exhaust from a fire place when burning firewood is complete?

Carbon dioxide and water vapor

What is the deadly gas that is found both in burning cigrettes as well as in car exhaust?

Carbon monoxide.

What is the black gunk that comes out of your exhaust pipe when you start your car?

The black gunk that comes out of the exhaust pipe when starting the car is probably carbon buildup within the exhaust system. Carbon buildup happens when the engine is not burning fuel as efficiently as it can.

True or false automobiles exhaust and industrial emissions are major sources of carbon dioxide?

True. Automobiles' exhaust and industrial emissions are among the largest sources of carbon dioxide emissions, contributing significantly to global warming and climate change.

Is carbon dioxide released from automobiles?

Carbon dioxide is the primary gas emitted in automobile exhaust. The other is water vapor (oxidation of the hydrogen from long chain hydrocarbons). CO, or carbon monoxide, is also a minor component of automobile exhaust, and can be particularly lethal if allowed to concentrate in an enclosed area.

What is the most important source of carbon entering atmosphere?

The most important source of carbon entering atmosphere is industries. Living things, burning fossil fuels and automobiles are other sources of carbon dioxide.