Induce: to bring about, to produce -or to create- then add electricity :)
To produce or make electricity is to generate it. Some of the common ways of generating electricity include using wind power, geothermal energy and burning fossil fuels among others.
Fossil fuels produce electricity when they are burned to make steam or smoke which turns generators to make electricity. But we must be careful that we are not burning too much fossil fuels so that we will run out one day. :)
Batteries do not produce electricity, they only store electricity.
This is the kinetic energy of water turning turbines to produce electricity.
This is the kinetic energy of water turning turbines to produce electricity.
I think you mean power plants. The word plant is used in engineering to mean an assembly of different items that combine to produce electricity
If you mean nuclear fission, then this does not generate electricity directly. The energy released is essentially light/heat energy and this is used to heat water to produce steam. The steam is then used to drive turbines/generators to produce the electricity.
Heat is released to change water to steam.Then the steam turn the bladof a turbine to make electricity.