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Q: What does hydroelectric power produce?
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How is hydroelectric power is a usable energy?

hydroelectric power is an important for producing the power in the low loss of is nothing but producing the we can easily produce the power from hydroelectric power plant.

What is water power that is use to produce electric power is known as?


What uses Hydroelectric power?

Hydroelectric power plants. They have dams and generators. Water flows through a dam, which spins generators that produce hydroelectric electricity. (Fun Fact: The Hoover Dam is the biggest hydroelectric power plant.)

Is fossil fuel used to produce hydroelectric power?

No, hydroelectric power is produced from the movement of water spinning a turbine. Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) produce energy by burning.

What provides hydroelectricity?

With the use of water and hydroelectric power plant, it can produce electricity.

How many hydroelectric power stations are there in Britain?

There are around 2,000 hydroelectric power stations in Britain. These power stations generate renewable energy by using the flow of water in rivers and streams to turn turbines and produce electricity.

What kind of electricity do dams create?

hydroelectric power They produce what is called 3-phase AC power.

What kind of power plants produce electrical energy from moving water?

Hydroelectric plants.

Why is the ability to produce hydroelectric power very great in Latin America?

Latin America has many rivers with a high flow rate hence the great ability to produce hydroelectric power (HEP). In Brazil, a lot of HEP is generated from the Parana river.