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oil, petrol is oil

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Q: What are types of fossil fuels used in cars?
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What were fossil fuels used for?

fossil fuels are used for powering cars, radio, lights so basically anything that involves electricity.

Where are fossil fuels being used?

factories,bbq's and cars

Identify the three main types of fossil fuels used in the United States and state two ways we use fossil fuels today?

The three main types of fossil fuels used in the United States are coal, oil, and natural gas. They are primarily used for electricity generation and transportation. Other common uses include heating homes, powering industrial processes, and producing plastics and chemicals.

Will cars still be around in 2217?

By 2217 all the fossil fuels will have been used up so there will be no fossil fuel powered cars around then.

Ten ways fossil fuels can be used?

here are two: they are used as fuel for cars and they are used to cook food

How can solar power be used?

Solar power can replace fossil fuels and power anything that they used EVEN cars

What are the types of fuels used in heating?

Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), mostly, or electricity generated by burning them.

What are three types of energy used to heat the house?

electric, fossil fuels and geothermal

In which way is biomass useful?

Many biomass fuels can significantly reduce carbon emissions if they are used to displace fossil fuels. Some types of biomass can also be converted into liquid which can be used for vehicles. Biomass fuels can be cheaper than fossil fuels in many circumstances. It is renewable and is not dependent on fossil fuels. While biomass can be used directly, it can be used to produce higher forms of fuels. Listen to mia. she knows everything.

Why are fossil fuels significant?

well you see that most of the fossil fuels are used so we can use cars and other green house gas stuff so if we loose it we need to find another sores

What three types of fossil fuels can be used as energy sources?

coal, oil and natural gas

Name 3 ways that fossil fuel convert into other forms of energy and expain?

Fossil fuels can be burned in power plants to generate electricity, which can then be used to power homes and businesses. Fossil fuels can be used to produce heat for industrial processes such as manufacturing and refining. Fossil fuels can be converted into transportation fuels like gasoline and diesel, which power vehicles such as cars, trucks, and airplanes.