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Q: What are the sources of tidal power hydrogen fuel cells and ocean thermal energy conversion?
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What are two sources of thermal energy?

Two sources of thermal energy are the sun, which emits heat and light energy, and geothermal energy from the Earth's core, which produces heat through the natural radioactive decay of minerals.

Which two forms of energy are we most familiar?

Helium and hydrogen

What type of conversion is taking place when natural gas is used to heat water?

Chemical energy is converted to thermal energy.The conversion that is taking place is chemical energy into thermal energy. The type of conversion is taking place when natural gas is used to heat water is chemical energy that is turned into thermal energy.

What is the byproduct of the conversion thermal energy to kinetic energy?

Waste heat.

The conversion of thermal energy into mechanical energy requires a?

The answer is heat engine.

Where is Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion used?

It is to be employed

What type of conversion is taking place when natural gas is burned to heat water?

The conversion taking place is from chemical energy in natural gas to thermal energy during combustion. This thermal energy then heats the water contained in a boiler or water heater.

Does hydrogen conduct thermal energy?

i dont no

What is meant by thermal engineering?

Thermal engineering means the conversion of heat energy between mediums and into other usable forms of energy. Most of the energy from thermal sources is converted into chemical, mechanical or electrical energy. In order to achieve this, thermal engineers are experts in heat transfer. Some areas a thermal engineer may specialize in include solar heating, boiler design (heating, ventilation and air conditioning).

What type of energy conversion occurs when you place your feet near the fireplace and they become warm?

The energy conversion that occurs is from thermal energy (heat) produced by the fireplace to thermal energy absorbed by your feet, increasing their temperature.

What energy conversion take place in a handwarmer?

In a handwarmer, the energy conversion takes place from chemical energy to thermal energy. This occurs when the chemicals in the handwarmer react and produce heat, which then warms up the surrounding environment.

What type of energy conversion occurs when you place your feet near the fireplace and they become warm radiant to thermal thermal to mechanical mechanical to chemical nuclear to thermal?

When you place your feet near the fireplace and they become warm, the energy conversion is from thermal to radiant. The fireplace radiates heat energy which warms your feet.