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the reason that the heat would cease to work when the car overheats is that the car is low on coolant. coolant is warmed by the engine as it transfers heat away from the engine. the heated coolant passes through heater hose and through the heater core. The blower motor blows air through the heater core warming the air and pushes the warm air through the vents in the car to you. the heater core is a small radiator in the dashboard of most vehicles. If there isn't coolant in the car, the engine becomes too hot thus the overheating. a side effect of this is that the lack of coolant means that coolant cannot get to the heater core to be warmed to warm you

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Q: The heat goes out when the car over heats?
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What does core?

A heater core in a vehicle takes some of the heat from the coolant and runs it through a heat exchanger. The blower in the car that blows hot air into your car runs through that heat exchanger which heats the air that enters your car.

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A heater core in a vehicle takes some of the heat from the coolant and runs it through a heat exchanger. The blower in the car that blows hot air into your car runs through that heat exchanger which heats the air that enters your car.

What does core do?

A heater core in a vehicle takes some of the heat from the coolant and runs it through a heat exchanger. The blower in the car that blows hot air into your car runs through that heat exchanger which heats the air that enters your car.

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Why is car over heats when you not moving and the air in the car goes from heat to cold when not moving?

Either the thermostat is stuck in an almost closed position and there is not enough flow of coolant through the engine block or you have a lazy water pump over time the impeller of the water pump wears out causing low coolant flow, so when the car is moving the water pump spins faster letting enough flow through the block.