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Q: Is it possible to reach a Drag Coefficient of 0?
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0% to 100%

What is the equation thast describes how air resistance affects terminal velocity?

The equation that describes how air resistance affects terminal velocity is given by: mg - kv = 0 where m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, k is the air resistance coefficient, v is the velocity of the object, and Terminal velocity is the point at which the drag force (kv) equals the gravitational force (mg), causing the net force to be zero.

What is the coefficient of x in the equation of a graph that has slope 0?

y=mx has a slope of m, if the slope is 0, m must be 0. So the coefficient of x is 0.

Is it possible to apply the procedures in factoring quadratic trinomials to factoring the difference of two terms?

Yes, simply treat the middle coefficient as 0.

What is numerical range of regression coefficient?

ɪf the regresion coefficient is the coefficient of determination, then it's range is between 0 or 1. ɪf the regression coefficient is the correaltion coefficient (which i think it is) the it must lie between -1 or 1.

What happens if the correlation coefficient equals 0?

Nothing happens. It simply means that there is no linear relationship between the two variables. It is possible that there is a non-linear relationship or that there is none.

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Rise in gini coefficient leads to?

The Gini coefficient is a measure of equality expressed as a value between 1 and 0. 0 represents perfect equality and 1 represents perfect inequality. Therefore a rise in the Gini coefficient results in an increase in inequality.

What is the weakest correlation coefficient?

The weakest correlation coefficient is 0, which means there is absolutely no relationship between the two variables you are correlating.

What is the value of coefficient of restitution for the perfectly plastic body?

The coefficient of restitution for a perfectly plastic body is zero. This means that the body will not bounce off or rebound after impact, but will instead stick together with the other body.