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Q: Is hydropower cheaper than fossil fuel?
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What are some advantages of nuclear?

Cheaper, More energy than fossil fuel, Better for the air

Why is nuclear power cheaper?

Is it cheaper? I think costs of generated electricity are comparable with fossil fuels, but less than renewables. The trouble with nuclear is the high cost of building, certainly once the plant is built the ongoing fuel costs are less than for fossil fuels.

Are bio fuels cheaper than fossil fuels?

In general, yes, but only because structures are in place to make fossil fuel more easily available and attainable. Most biofuels actually have the potential to be far cheaper, and they also help reduce dependence on foreign fossil fuels.

Energy sources other than fossil fuel are resources?

Some alternative energy sources to fossil fuels include solar power, wind power, hydropower, and geothermal energy. These sources are considered renewable because they can be replenished naturally and are more sustainable compared to fossil fuels. Utilizing these resources can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lessen the reliance on finite fossil fuel reserves.

What fossil fuel produces more carbon dioxide than any other fossil fuel?


What resource you think would be best used to replace some of the fossil fuel used in the US?

LPG is IMO the best fossil fuel, it doesn't use the wicked chemicals that Natural Gas uses to extract from the ground and is cheaper and cleaner than most other fuels.

Is coal better than fossil fuels?

Coal IS a fossil fuel

Why is vegetable oil a more dependable fuel than fossil fuels?

Vegetable oil is renewable, fossil fuel is not.

are nuclear power plants more cost effective cheaper than fossil fuels?

Levelized cost of kwh from a nuclear power plant is cheaper than from any fossil fueled power plants.

Why fossil fuel is costlier than others?

there running out

What is hyrdopower good for?

hydropower is good for the planet because it is safer and cleaner than all fossil fuels because fossil fuels are killing our planet. global warming is a serious risk and the use of hydropower or any other renewable energy source may be able to stop the effect of green-house gases and pollution in the world.

What is another source than fossil fuel?

Solar Energy