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An electric car is powered by a large electric motor. This motor is powered by the use of magnets in a coil inside the motor. When electric current is run through the motor, the drive shaft spins. This type of motor has an advantage over internal combustion engines because it offers all its torque at 0 rpm, thousands less than internal combustion engines. This makes the car quicker to start and accelerate.

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Q: Is electric car an internal combustion engine or is the a different type of engine?
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They're very quiet compared to a internal combustion engine. This is because the RPM and Torque comes from very few parts rather then the thousands in the internal combustion engine.

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Most cars have an internal combustion engine and a battery. Hybrid drive vehicle such as Toyota Prius.

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They are completely different engines; however, the most fundamental difference is that the Watt steam engine runs on steam, whereas the internal combustion engine runs on fuel oil.

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and internal combustion engine and a gasoline engine are the same thing.

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Reciprocating engines (piston engines) are internal combustion engines. Rotary engines ( Wankel engine) is also an internal combustion engine. In general, all types of engines in which the combustion chamber is an integrating part of the engine is considered a internal combustion engine.

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There are no internal combustion engine parts in a electric car. The Electric car will not use gas but electricity from batteries.