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Q: Is a rubber band powered car in the terms of renewable resources?
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What does renewable energy mean in terms of energy resources?

Toni is awesome and

Can minerals be replaced once mined?

Mineral resources are considered non-renewable in human terms.

What resources are both renewable and non-renewable?

There is no single thing that is renewable and non-renewable at the same time. That's a contradiction in terms. Some kinds of wood (fast growing pine plantations, for example) are renewable, while other kinds of wood (teak and mahogany, perhaps) are non-renewable as they take very many years to grow again.

Inexhaustible and renewable resources are used less than?

Inexhaustible resources, such as solar and wind energy, are used less than non-renewable resources because they may require more infrastructure and technology to harness effectively. Renewable resources, like biomass and hydropower, are more widely utilized but still face challenges in terms of scalability and intermittency. Despite their benefits, transitioning to these resources requires investment and policy support.

How are inexhaustible and renewable energy resources different?

Inexhaustible energy resources are those that are naturally replenished and limitless in supply, such as solar and wind energy. Renewable energy resources are also naturally replenished, but they may have limitations in terms of available quantity or generation capacity, such as geothermal energy.

What are some Q and A about non renewable and renewable resources?

What are nonrenewable resources? Nonrenewable resources are natural resources that cannot be replenished within a short timeframe due to their limited quantity, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. What are renewable resources? Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replenished naturally over time, such as sunlight, wind, and biomass, making them sustainable for long-term use. Why are nonrenewable resources considered unsustainable? Nonrenewable resources are finite in quantity and take millions of years to form, making them unsustainable for continued use at the current rate of consumption, leading to concerns of depletion and environmental damage. How do renewable resources differ from nonrenewable resources in terms of environmental impact? Renewable resources generally have lower environmental impact compared to nonrenewable resources, as they produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions and have minimal pollution during extraction, production, and consumption.

What are examples of renewable and nonrenewable resources?

Renewable resources include solar energy, wind energy, and tidal energy, which can be naturally replenished. Nonrenewable resources include fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas, which are finite and take millions of years to form.

Why are renewable sources of energy better option than nonrenewable resources?

Because renewable sources can be replenished (apex) because we will not run out of them

Is gold a non renewable resources or renewable resources?

Because when all of the gold gets mined out of the mines it can't be replaced by nature.A:Gold is a non-renewable resource. The definition of non-renewable resource is this, from the EPA: "A natural resource which, in terms of human time scales, is contained within the Earth in a fixed quantity and therefore can be used once only in the foreseeable future (although it may be recycled after its first use). This includes the fossil fuels and is extended to include mineral resources and sometimes ground water, although water and many minerals are renewed eventually." A:Same with coal A:Gold is non renewable because it forms over a long period of time- like oil, coal fossil fuels, etc.

Is limestone renewable or non renewable?

I think it's not renewable because if we use all the limestone in the world we wont have any left to know how to make it on our own, but it may be renewable cause it is made from our planet Earth. +++ I'm not sure I can follow that first answer. It is not renewable. Although new limestone is being formed in various places around the world, the rate of deposition and lithification, let alone uplift, is far lower than that of our removal of existing rock.

Which is the third richest country in water resources?

The country with the third-largest water resources in terms of renewable freshwater supply is Argentina. Approximately 20% of the world's freshwater is located in this South American country.

Is a non renewable resource?

A non-renewable resource is one that is mined from the ground, and when we've used it, there's no more left. In terms of energy, these are oil, coal, natural gas, uranium, lignite, shale oil and so forth.Examples of renewable energy resources are solar, wind, geothermal, wave, and tidal power.