

Best Answer

NAKEI, I dont KNOW the answer but I dont see why they would. How would repoing your car give you any income for the IRS to tax?? Is a collector/repo person threatening you?

No, the IRS will not take your taxes, on a repossessed vehicle or other property. However, the lender does have various legal options to get money owed them by an individual. This includes the ability to file a claim with the courts to garnish your wages and even your tax refunds.

You should check the laws in your state regarding "garnishment" because not all state allow for wage garnishment and that may also affect where your tax refunds can be garnished.

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Q: If you file Chapter 13 and change your mind and your car is repossessed will the IRS take your taxes for the car?
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You will have to ask your bank about that. They are in control now.

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Yes. Bankruptcy does not change you absolute legal obligation to file taxes.

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Yes. And the court will likely want to see your return.

If your car is repossessed can they garnish your income taxes?

Not normally. They can however file a non wage garn and get your taxes when you deposit them into your checking or savings account. Usually only, government and state can withhold your taxes...i.e. back taxes, child support, student loans etc...

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No, you cannot file your taxes at the DMV.