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that's like saying, "I was speeding, the cop couldn't see me cause I had MY eyes closed". If you are in default of the contract, you are liable to be repoed. Simple and to the point. In most states, concealing(HIDING) leined collateral is a FELONY.

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Q: If you are avoiding repossession by hiding your car is it still considered repossession?
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YES, unless the LENDER decides not to report a repo to the CA.

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Yes, a voluntary foreclosure (deed in lieu of such) is a foreclosure just as a voluntary repossession of a vehicle is a repossession. All the same penalties/fees, recovery of debt laws apply and the information entered on the debtor's credit report will be as a foreclosure regardless of the circumstances involved.

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Yes when a leasing company regains control of an asset it is still considered a Repossession repossession is much easier in a lease agreement than it is in a finance agreement due to the fact that the asset is owned by the leasing company, in a finance agreement you control ownership and the bank only holds security in the asset.

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About the same. Don't make your payments and they will come get it. Then you still owe the difference as stated on the contract.

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not possible. sorry

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It can show at any time. A repossession is compleated as soon as the car is picked up so it does not matter what happens after the repossession it still did happen.

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It will save you some money BUT you will still have a repo on your CR.

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no this is not considered a strip search because no one can see if you are hiding what they are looking for.

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