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As long as the rain keeps falling in the catchment area, hydro electricity is very reliable. It will run day and night if required, as the water is stored up behind the dam. If the rainfall is unreliable, then hydro electricity is unreliable too.

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Q: How reliable is hydro electricity?
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Related questions

How do you get hydro electricity?

we can get hydro electricity from the water which is re useable all the time

What does hydro-electricity do?

Hyro-electricity is the same as any other electricity. the Hydro- prefix merely denotes how the electricity was generated, in this case it was generated at a hydro-electric plant which uses the potential energy of elevated water to generate electricity.

How is electricity reliable?

As long as the rain keeps falling in the catchment area, hydro electricity is very reliable. It will run day and night if required, as the water is stored up behind the dam. If the rainfall is unreliable, then hydro electricity is unreliable too.

What is a hydro-electracity?

hydro-electricity is water power of energy

How is hydro electricity connected to renewable energy?

Provided water was available in dams, hydro electricity can be produced indefinitely.

How many African countries rely on the Nile for hydro-electricity?

Many African countries depend on the Nile for Hydro electricity because they need electricity

Is hydro energy powerful?

No, hydro-power comes from moving water so it is kinetic energy.

Is hydro power related to photo voltaic cells?

No, hydro power is electricity from water. Photo voltaic is electricity from sunlight.

What energy can you get in dams?

hydro electricity

How does hydro electricity flow?

Hydro electricity is electricity generated by moving water, usually from dams nowadays. Electrical power is all the same. It flows through wires.

What are the three resources of electricity in Pakistan?

Major source of electricity in Pakistan is hydro. Hydro electricity is generated by 5 major dams of the country. Other means of electricity generation include thermal and atomic.

Facts about hydro electricity?

The first ever hydroelectric power plant started producing electricity in 1882.