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It depends on how much money you put down for the car, and how good your credit score is.

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Q: How much would you have to pay a month for a smart car?
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How much doese a smart car whigh?

who much doese a smart car whigh? The awnser is, The Smart Car weighs 1,600 pounds.

What is a smart car, and how much can I save by buying one?

The Smart car is a small and very fuel efficient car. If you are wondering how much you can save by buying one figure up how much you spend in gas a week and that is how much you would save.

How much horse power does a smart car have?

a Smart Car has 40-70 horsepower

How much does a battery for a SMART car cost?

I heard from a friend the batteries for a smart car were 3000.00.....Which leads me believe your not too smart if you buy a smart car....lmao

How much does the smart car weight in pounds?

The Smart car weighs approximately 1600 Pounds.

How smart is the smart car?

This car is very smart because it doesn't use that much battery and gas. It is also smart because it doesn't take that much space like the Beetle and Motorcycle.

What car does not waste so much gas?

Smart car

When was the smart car created?

The Smart Car began with Nicolas Hayek, the man who invented Swatch watches. He wanted to make a small car that would be the best and at last he invented a smart car

What is a smart car and how much does it cost?

A smart car is a car that is equipped with some form of navigational artificial intelligence. You buy them starting at $11,900 to $20,000.

What is a car loan payment calculation?

The easy-to-use auto loan calculator helps car buyers plan monthly car loan payments. Calculate car financing and car payments in advance to make a smart decision on how much you might owe each month.

Is a minor car accident harmful to a 4 month old baby?

I rear ended a car on the freeway in my 8th month. She's now 20, totally healthy, and smart as a whip.

How much is smart car?

They range from $12,500 to $18,000.